Brize Norton Primary School
Healthy Schools

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In 2007 Brize Norton Primary School was accredited with 'Healthy Schools' status a nationally recognised award, lasting for three years.

The National Healthy Schools Programme is an exciting long term initiative that helps young people and their schools to be healthy.

The Programme isn't just about physical health, it's about good health and happiness inside and out. And it's not just about pupils either; a Healthy School involves the whole school community.

Visit the healthy schools website here

As a school we are very lucky to have a committed parent healthy schools group who meet once a term to help promote healthy eating and lifestyle choices across the school.  




At the start of the academic year we established our new healthy schools team. Children wrote letters to Mr Smith explaining why they should be chosen to represent their class on the health team. Two Year 6 children were then chosen to take on the roles of chair and vice chair, a Year 5 to act as secretary and then one child from each of the other year groups.

Meet the Healthy Schools Team 2012 - 2013

The children have decided on the following aims for the academic year:

1. To help our school community make healthy choices.

2. To make sure that everyone knows how to stay safe.

3. Plan exciting events to help us be healthy and stay safe.

The team meet once a fortnight to plan events, competitions and review the progress we are making towards achieving our aims. These year they have planned to focus on the following themes:

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6

Internet Safety


Healthy Easting

Water 4 Life

Walk to school

First Aid



18th APRIL 2012

On 18th April we held our annual BIG breakfast. Once again this was a great success with breakfast shared by families and friends, including the Over 60s, WI and Parish Council . Tammy cooked a wonderful breakfast of bacon, sausage, tomato, mushrooms, eggs and beans. Others preferred the continental option enjoying crossiants, cereal, yoghurt, fruit and toast. Some went for both! See more pictures here.


7th APRIL 2011

As part of our focus this term on the importance of starting the day with a good breakfast we held a community breakfast. Over 130 people joined us including the Parish Council, WI and Over 60s to enjoy a cooked or continental breakfast. A big thank you to Tammy our cook and all the volunteers and children on the healthy schools committee. This event was kindly sponsored by local businesses including Foxbury Farm, Brize Norton. See more photos here.







Beware H2O Spies at work - how much water are you drinking



In term three the healthy school team decided to run a poster competition.  Well done to everyone who entered and to our winners.  Each winner won a free swim session.

Daisy won the "healthy lunchbox" competition

click on picture to enlarge

Megan won the "eat more fruits and veg" competition

click on picture to enlarge

Amy won the "drink more water" competition

click on picture to enlarge

Molly won the "healthy living" competition

click on picture to enlarge



Our March theme is Breakfast4Life. We will be thinking about why it is important to fuel up at the start of the day and looking at ways of making breakfast interesting and hassle free!

Visit the Breakfast4Life website here

Download the good breakfast guide here

Play the ‘what’s for breakfast’ game here



At Brize Norton Primary School we learn about social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL). Each term our assemblies and circle time work has a theme as follows:

Term 1 New beginnings

Term 2 Getting on and falling out

Term 3 Going for goals

Term 4 Good to be me

Term 5 Relationships

Term 6 Changes

We learn how to care for our mental health and emotions as well as our physical health. We learn to understand our own and other people’s feelings; ways to manage our own feelings in a range of situations. Click on the links above to download family activities.

In term 3 and 4 we are thinking about resolving conflict. We have been using our detective skills to understand our own and other people’s feelings. We have been using the peaceful problem solving technique. See the posters by clicking these links:

Peaceful Problem Solving            Understanding Feelings             Understanding Feelings 2





What can you do at home to keep an active and healthy lifestyle?

The Change 4 Life website has just been launched and has so many interesting facts and activities relating to health and fitness, it is well worth a look!

The way we live in modern society means a lot of us have fallen into unhelpful habits. This means all of us need to make small changes to eat well, move more, and live longer.

Follow the link to join and receive a free welcome pack, create your own unique online character, and get cracking towards a new healthier future.

There is also an online questionnaire. It only takes 5 minutes to answer a few questions and you can apply for your FREE personalised Action Plan!

You can also find out what's happening in our local area to help you eat well and move more.


During the school day a time is set aside for a whole class story and snack. At this time children may eat fresh or dried fruit or vegetables. Children in Class 1 (Miss Perkins) and Class 2 (Miss Wheatley) are provided with free fruit or vegetables everyday, part of the government scheme to promote healthy eating. Older children are encouraged to bring fresh or dried fruit or vegetables from home. (Cereal bars/fruit winders/smoothies are not allowed.) 

Visit the governments 5 a day website here


Any child in school can have access to milk. Parents must submit an order form to County which then gets collated and sent to schools. Order forms can be obtained from the school office.


Children are encouraged to drink water throughout the school day. Each child has a named cup in school.


Since half term we started 'Active 10'. This is a daily active session for all children, involving a range of activities such as dance, yoga, skipping and circuits.


The school kitchen cooks award winning hot meals daily. Where children choose to bring their own packed lunch, we encourage your child to eat healthily. We do not expect lunch boxes to include sweets or fizzy drinks. View our dinner menus below.