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Brize Norton Primary School |
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You are here: Brize Norton Primary School > SynopsisSYNOPSIS FOR SPRING TERM 2007SYNOPSIS FOR CLASS 4 (Miss Whatley)LITERACYNon-Fiction:This term our focus will be on studying explanation texts and non-chronological reports, which will be linked to our topic work in Geography. We will be adapting our writing for different audiences and purposes by changing vocabulary, tone and sentence structure. In our sentence work, we will focus on the use of a greater range of connectives and the accurate use of the commas to demarcate clauses. Fiction:Through studying a range of texts we will continue to develop our use of description, speech and punctuation to create interest and suspense in our writing. Spellings:Spellings will be taught each week through investigation of a spelling rule. The emphasis will be on learning to apply an understanding of rules to improve the accuracy of spelling therefore there will not be a list of spelling words to learn each week. However, there will be a piece of homework each week which will support the work in class. The children will be tested on their knowledge and understanding of the rules at regular intervals. Handwriting:Presentation of work continues to be a school focus. An emphasis will be placed not only on neat, joined handwriting but on developing fluency and speed. Reading:Will be taught through the literacy lesson and during group guided reading sessions. In addition, children are expected to read for at least twenty minutes and complete their reading record every night. MATHEMATICSWe will be studying place value and ordering and rounding with both positive and negative numbers. We will continue to develop both our mental and paper and pencil methods for all four operations of number, with an emphasis placed on the importance of recording our workings. We will be learning how to relate and order both fractions and decimal fractions. Shape work this term will involve drawing and ordering acute and obtuse angles and identifying 3D shapes from nets, as well as rotating shapes and solving a variety of shape problems. We will also be continuing to develop mental calculation and calculator skills and consolidate our knowledge of the times table facts. SCIENCEThis term we will be using practical work to investigate how sounds are produced and how pitch and loudness can be altered. We will also be learning about the shapes and relative sizes of the Earth, Sun and Moon. Using models we will learn how the three bodies move relative to each other and how these movements relate to night and day. DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGYLinked to our Science topic we will be learning about the construction of a range of musical instruments, including those from different times and cultures, and how different sounds can be created and altered to make different notes. We will use this knowledge and understanding to design and make a working musical instrument using a combination of materials. ICTDuring our ICT lessons will be learning how to use a spreadsheet to explore mathematical formulae. We will explore how changes in a spreadsheet affect results and identify simple rules. GEOGRAPHYThis term we will be learning about water supply around the world. We will learn about the importance of clean water and investigate how it is supplied. We will also consider who owns and manages water and contrast water use at home with use in less economically developed countries. ART AND DESIGNDuring the second half of the term we will explore the craft tradition of making vessels and containers. We will consider examples by contemporary designers and ceramicists and look at work from different cultures. We will develop our own designs and create an end product out of clay. PEDuring the first half term we will be continuing to swim every Tuesday afternoon. In addition we will be building on our Tag Rugby skills and understanding of the tactics through a series of coaching sessions. During the second half term we will be creating, performing and evaluating our own dance sequences based on the 'High School Musical', as well as improving our defending and attacking play in Basketball. REThis term we will learn about the key beliefs and practices in Islam. We will learn about the life and teachings of Muhammad and developing our understanding of why he is significant for Muslims. We will also focus on some of the themes and issues which arise out of the Easter Story. PSHEThis term we will be looking at how peoples' emotions change during puberty, and how to deal with our feelings towards ourselves, our family and others in a positive way. HOMEWORK
CLASS 3 SYNOPSIS MISS KERR AND MRS UDALLNUMERACYOur practical maths involves measuring, estimating and recording capacities. We will investigate the properties and of 3D shapes and sort them accordingly. We will build on last term's work of recognising, naming, ordering and estimating simple fractions by looking at equivalent fractions, and also the relationship between fractions and decimals. We will use knowledge of time and data-handling to solve 'real-life' problems. In number we will continue to cement our understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, using both formal and informal written methods. We will learn how to choose and use the appropriate number operation to solve one and two step word problems. We will build on last term's work on place value by learning to round whole numbers. The children will also work in pairs and groups to solve mathematical puzzles and problems using a systematic approach. HomeworkHomework will continue to be set on a Friday to be handed in by Monday. Times Tables tests will still be on Fridays. LITERACYOur Literacy will include non fiction elements which will be based on our Geography topic this term. We will begin by looking at alphabetical texts, using skills learnt to produce an alphabetical guide of the local area. Work on note-taking will involve identifying key words and using these to create a new piece of text. This will be based around letter writing and discussion texts. Our narrative work this term will focus on traditional tales and myths. We will investigate the styles and voices of such tales and discuss main and recurring characters and themes. The children will then plan and write their own myth. In poetry, we will look at performance poems; the children will choose and prepare poems for performance, identifying appropriate expression, tone, volume and use of voices. In addition, they will be writing their own poems. The children will continue to have weekly grammar, spelling and guided reading lessons. HomeworkWe will continue to send spellings home on Monday to be copied accurately into spelling logs and practised at least 3 times during the week in preparation for the test on Friday. These will be set alongside a specific activity which is designed to support the spelling rule for that week. This work should be handed in on Wednesday. It is expected that your children will read or share a book each night, preferably with an adult as it is a very important and essential way of developing your child's reading skills. Reading records are checked daily and we are now encouraging the children to write their own comments about what they have read. Literacy homework will be set on Wednesday to be handed in on Friday. This may include completing work begun during the week, research, literacy exercises from a homework book, cloze passages etc. Some work may be completed using a computer and you will be advised of this at the time. SCIENCEOur first topic this term is Rocks and Soils. We will spend time looking at rocks and discussing their different uses and properties. We will also discover where soil comes from and the children will have the opportunity to take and examine their own soil and rock samples. After half term, we will look at Habitats. Children will learn to identify different types of habitat and will identify living things using simple keys. We will also learn about different food sources. GEOGRAPHYOur topic is based on our local area – Brize Norton. We will be making trips into the village to look at local landmarks and services, we will also identify human and physical features. We will be working out our routes to school, and surveying residents about the jobs they do. We will also be looking at how the village has undergone changes and predicting what might change in the future. We will link our work with Literacy skills in particular. ART AND DESIGNWe will be looking at how pictures can be used to portray the relationships between people. This will involve drawing groups of people connected to the local area, moving onto paint and a variety of other materials – collage, rubbings, printing, etc. DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGYThe children will be making structures from paper and card. They will experiment with ways of stiffening materials and use their skills to make a building in the village. ICTA lot of the ICT work this term will enhance the literacy and local study work, using bullet points, highlighting sub-headings, underlining, and using columns (as in a newspaper report). We will also create tables to enable our Science investigations to be accurately recorded. REOur topic this term is Christianity, with a particular focus on Easter. We will look at the events leading up to the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus. Children will then use drama to present the events from the point of view of one of the disciples. We will also look at how we celebrate Easter today: why are the symbols of eggs, bunnies and crosses so important and why do we mark Shrove Tuesday? PSHEInitially we will look at 'moving for health' and exploring the beneficial effects of exercise. We will find out about drugs and prescription medicines and how to stay safe in a manner of situations. We will explore ways of coping with difficult or upsetting situations, and ways to feel happy and positive.FRENCHWe are very lucky to have a French trainee teacher in school for the first half of the term; she will teach the children lots about the French culture and way of life. After half term, the children will continue to extend their knowledge, looking at topics on clothes and the weather. PEDanceWork in dance will be closely linked to PSHCE, we will investigate why physical activity is good for our health. The children will explore the language of dance and use this to make their own compositions. GymnasticsWe will be looking at gymnastic sequences involving balances using different parts of the body. We will then include small apparatus such as ribbons, balls, beanbags and hoops into our own compositions. SwimmingWe will begin our swimming lessons after half term. Swimming will be on a Tuesday afternoon. CLASS 2 SYNOPSIS MRS RAELITERACYIn Literacy last term, we were looking at stories and breaking them down into sections of beginning, middle and end. This term, we will be building on these skills and looking at the areas in more depth. We will also be reading some poetry and discussing rhythm and rhyme. The children will be building on their independent dictionary skills, by learning about their use and layout. This work will be consolidated when they produce their own class dictionary. The children will be continuing to learn new spelling patterns, which will be of use in both developing their reading, and writing. In shared, guided and independent reading, I am continuing to encourage the children to use grammar to decipher new words, and to use grammar and punctuation to read aloud. The latter enables them to read with more expression and has a tendency to animate the story – making it more enjoyable. In handwriting, we will be continuing to practise the correct formation of basic joins: ai, ar, un, ou, vi, wi, ab, ul, it, ol, wh, ot. NUMERACYIn Numeracy, we are going to be building on some of the work that we did during the autumn term. We shall also be looking at money again – doubling, halving, making totals and working out change. Some of the areas that we will be covering that we have not yet come across will be, time, properties of 3D shapes, angles, weight and graphs. ICTThe Year 2 children will continue to carefully follow instructions, and then use this knowledge to write instructions and program them into the Roamer. The Year 1's will follow a similar series of work but will be working with a 'slightly simpler version of the Roamer, called a 'Bee-Bot'. We are also going to be building on some of our non-fiction work in ICT by learning to use CD-ROMs and the internet to gain information. FRENCHIn French, the Year 1's and 2's will continue to be taught separately using a similar framework. This will include a variety of interactive games that will stimulate the children. We shall start to learn our numbers 0-20, days of the week and begin to talk about school. If you wish to support your child's learning at home, you may download free notes and ideas from the following website: www.petitpont.com TOPICWe shall be covering several History topics this term. We shall, first of all, be looking at the Great Fire of London – how it started, what made it spread and the consequences. We shall also be looking at the life of Roald Dahl. This will tie in nicely with Book Week and will also give us the opportunity to read some of his fantastic books in class. In the 2nd half of the term, we will begin our work on the Romans. ART & DESIGN/DESIGN & TECHNOLOGYIn the first half of the term we will be focussing on Art & Design with the topic, Can buildings speak?. The children will have the opportunity to investigate different surfaces and make a record of them by creating a print. They will also be drawing from direct observation and looking at differences and similarities in buildings from different places and times. The knowledge and understanding that the children will gain from their investigative work will then be used to work collaboratively to produce a large-scale piece of art. After half-term, our Design and Technology will have a Roman theme, which will link in to our History topic, with the children designing and producing a mosaic. SCIENCEIn science this term we will be covering Electricity, and Health and Growth. In the former, we will be learning about how to use Electricity safely, and will also learn how to construct a simple circuit. In the latter, the children will be learning about the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle, and how this can be achieved. Not only will they learn about balanced diets, but also the significance of regular exercise, keeping clean and using medicines safely. P.E.Our PE this term will be Gymnastics and Games. In gymnastics we shall be focussing on the different ways we can balance and make shapes using various parts of the body. The children will also be investigating different ways of travelling. Once the children are confidant in both areas, they will begin to link the two together to produce sequences. This will include a combination of floor work and apparatus work. In games, we will be continuing to focus on spatial awareness and ball skills, in which the children will practise sending, retrieving and travelling with balls of different sizes. Over the weeks, the children will learn to incorporate these skills into simple games. Class 2 will be going swimming after half-term. R.E.In RE we will be focussing on Christianity and Islam. The children will learn about the importance of Easter and why it is special for Christians. They will also learn about the Muslim welcoming ceremony. PSHEFinally, our PSHCE will be closely linked to our Science Health and Growth topic. They will learn about how to make simple choices that will help to keep themselves healthy. They will also learn to recognise and deal with their feelings in a positive way. HomeworkYear 1Spellings will be given out on a Monday and will consist of your child's words to learn as well as an activity to support this. This work can be handed in any time up until the Friday of the quiz. A Literacy based/topical homework will be sent home with your child on Friday and is expected to be handed in on the following Monday. Year 2Homework will be given out on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and is there to support the work that your child has been doing in class. Spellings will be given out on a Monday and will consist of your child's words to learn as well as an activity to support this. This work can be handed in any time up until the Friday of the quiz. Maths homework will be given out on Wednesdays and will usually consolidate the work the work that we have been doing in class during the week. This work is due to be handed in on Friday of the same week. A Literacy based/topical homework will be sent home with your child on Friday and is expected to be handed in on the following Monday. CLASS 1 SYNOPSIS MRS RIDGEWAYLITERACYIn literacy children will experience fiction, non-fiction and poetry. They will be reinforcing their knowledge of the alphabet and their phonic skills. The children will take part in group reading as well as reading individually. Foundation children will experience writing for different purposes in order to develop letter formation and simple sentence structure. Y1 children will write for a variety of purposes including story, poetry and recount. They will be developing their use and understanding of punctuation in their sentences. Children will have the opportunity to listen to a variety of fiction and non-fiction and will be encouraged give their opinions, make predictions, decode unknown words. SCIENCEThe children will be working on the topic 'Sorting and Using Materials'. They will learn to name and describe a number of common materials. Children will use their senses to describe the properties of the materials they encounter and learn to sort the materials on this basis. Children will have the opportunity to discuss and explore that there are particular reasons for choosing one material rather than another for specific uses. P.EIn P.E the children will be building on and extending the skills already developed in the previous term. The children will be learning how to use and choose skills effectively for particular games. They will be exploring and using skills, actions and ideas individually and in combination to suit the games they are playing. The children will be swimming on Tuesdays until half term. ICTIn ICT the children will be exploring that information can be presented in a variety of forms and that sound and pictures carry information. The children will develop their knowledge of 'RM Word' and 'RM Colour Magic'.NUMERACYY1 children will be learning to recognise zero and begin to read numbers to 100 in numbers and figures. The children will begin to use and understand ordinal numbers. The children will begin to learn subtraction, 3d shapes and begin to read the time to the hour on analogue clocks. Foundation stage children will develop knowledge and understanding of numbers to 20, counting on, weighing, prepositions (on, above, under etc.)and non standard measurement. ART AND DESIGNThe children will have the opportunity to sort and explore materials. The children will acquire knowledge of fabrics, their origins and purpose with particular relevance to their own experience. R.EThe children will be learning about stories from the bible. They will learn about the people Jesus met. We will also look at Moses and his 'journey of life' and Easter focusing on aspects of new life. PSHEThe children will have an opportunity to develop their communication and social skills by working in imaginary situations. We will be discussing dealing positively with feelings and situations, decision-making and assertive behaviour. HISTORYIn history the children will be working on the topic 'How are toys different from those in the past?' The children will have an opportunity to compare the toys that they have from toys of the past and find out the differences between old and new toys. The children will have an opportunity to develop their enquiry skills and to develop the key skill of chronology. |
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