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Brize Norton Parish Council Newsletter |
The Communities of Brize Norton and Carterton |
You are here: Community > Brize Norton > Parish Council NewsletterPlease note that this might not be the latest issue of the Parish
Newsletter. Here is the text from the June 2009 Newsletter Published here with permission of the Parish Council.
CHAIRMAN’S REPORTSummer has officially arrived as can be seen by the numerous events detailed in this issue of the newsletter. The newsletter contains a host of information on a wide variety of issues. And I wish, on behalf of the Parish Council to thank all of you who have contributed and also all those that work “behind the scenes” to make these events run successfully. We would like to extend a very warm welcome to the new “team” Vicar the Rev. James Maddern and his family and wish them a happy stay at Brize Norton. The 2026 Plan! What’s that? Well it’s the planning of housing requirements for the future and development affecting West Oxfordshire and the whole of the UK. Cllr Gary Griffin has kindly prepared an article for this issue that demonstrates what could happen locally, in the near future. The article contains much food for thought, if you are interested in living in a village community and not a suburb, with all that entails, please let us know your views. Flooding, it is perhaps difficult to talk about flooding when we have been fortunate to have had a relatively dry winter and spring. However flood prevention is ongoing and at a recent meeting of local parish representatives the Environment Agency announced that with effect the 1st of April 2009 the Agency would no longer be carrying out annual maintenance, to clear obstructions from the Shillbrook, Highmoor Brook and other watercourses in this area of West Oxfordshire. This, it is claimed, is due to financial restrictions. The local Parish Councils will continue to lobby at all levels to ensure that the flood risk to the area receives the attention required to minimise the flood risk. Finally, I would like to thank the school who recently spent the morning tidying the village. Keith Glazier ST BRITIUS CHURCHThe church will be open and full of flowers arranged by ladies who are opening their gardens for the NGS Gardens Open Day on Sunday 14 June from 1pm to 6pm. Everyone is also most welcome at our "Songs of Praise" service that closes the day's events at 7.30pm. Members of the congregation and those in the village opening their gardens have chosen the hymns and readings. At the Horticultural Show and Cricket Festival on August Bank Holiday
Monday members of the church will be providing teas and refreshments,
and a tombola stall. Finally, we are pleased to report that we have a new team vicar to replace Rev. Roy Turner. Rev. James Maddern with his wife Katie and 2 year old son Isaac have moved into the vicarage at 8 Trefoil Way on the Shilton Park Estate and will be starting work after his licensing service on 4th June. We are very pleased to welcome him to our village. Many people have enquired after Roy & Bev; they and their family are well and enjoying life in Stonesfield and Combe, and send their best wishes to us all in Brize Norton. BRIZE NORTON PRIMARY SCHOOLIt is hard to believe that we are nearing the end of another school year. This term our Year 6 children have sat their national tests. In other year groups the teachers have been assessing pupil progress using a range of tasks and tests. We are incredibly proud of the hard work and motivation that all our children have shown throughout the year. Our oldest children have enjoyed a week in Swanage on an outdoor adventure residential. This has included activities such as abseiling, climbing, fencing, dance, swimming and of course the compulsory disco! This year we have achieved the national ActiveMark for our commitment to provide 2 hours of physical education a week, for offering a range of extra-curricular clubs and for the inter-school events we take part in. This term children have attended rugby, football, climbing, mini-Olympics and many other events. Our Awards 4 all grant has started to make an impact in school. This term we have held healthy cookery sessions for children and adults. These sessions have been organised by Pudding Pie, a company from Banbury. Over the coming year we have planned a range of activities including team building, archery, fencing and drama workshops to involve all children. This year we have continued to work hard to develop our status as an Eco-school. We have held energy awareness days and on 22nd May we held a BIG TIDY UP event across the village. During the day all children walked the village clearing up rubbish. The children were amazed at some of the things we found including a tin of paint, car parts and much more. Thank you to all those parents and village residents who turned out to help with this event. We hope to achieve Eco-school Green Flag status this term. Our partnership with Kibanga Primary School has continued to flourish this term. Our growing project is well underway although the Ugandan seeds seem to be growing better than the English varieties! Over the term both schools are growing a range of seeds to compare how they have grown in different climates. This term Class 3 and 4 have started a walk to Uganda. Each week they are walking circuits of the recreation ground and are combining their miles to reach our partner school. At half term we had reached Paris! From the 15th to 19th June we are holding an International week. During this week the children will be looking at what it would like to live in a different country. We are also going to look at the UK as a multi-cultural society. During the week we have a Nigerian artist working with the children and an African drumming group. We always welcome any support in our themed weeks. If anyone feels they could help with this week please contact the School Office. At the end of this year we say farewell to Mrs Hookham who is leaving us to start a new position at St Peters Infant School, Alvescot. We will miss Mrs Hookham but wish her well in her new school. This term the School Association continue to plan events for the school and village community. Thank you to all those people who supported the quiz night in March. Our next big event is the SUMMER FETE on SUNDAY 28TH JUNE at 2.30pm. Please come along for an afternoon filled with summer fun. THE 2026 PLAN AND HOW IT COULD AFFECT YOUWODC is still continuing to formulate a plan for the surrounding area up to 2026. The main effect for Brize Norton will be the principles for future planning and how and where housing will be built. People, and organizations, were asked some months ago to suggest sites that they felt could be suitable for development. You may be aware that Carterton is keen for further expansion, and two of the possible sites would see the town moving towards our village. One suggestion is to build on land known as Killkenny Farm; this land extends from Rocky Banks on the Burford Road up to the Quarry, and over to Shilton and then south to the new development. A second suggestion involves the fields between Burford Road in Brize Norton and the Carterton Road, bounded to the west by the new road and as far east as the Mason’s Arms, the Ski slope and the old war time looking hangers. Each of these suggestions are for about a further 1000 houses, which of course would bring with them a significant increase in traffic. What happens next? WODC is now in the process of assessing all responses to this recent consultation, and indeed they will also be now carrying out further necessary technical consultations. There will of course be much more discussion and we, as a Parish Council, are anticipating that you will take an active interest in what is being looked at for the area around us. If you wish to have your opinion heard you can let us know your thoughts and we will compile a formal Parish response to be considered in WODC’s assessment of the sites. The two sites can be viewed as follows:- East Carterton: Details of this can be viewed via WODC’s new online consultation system. People wishing to view this will need to register with the system which can be accessed via http://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning/LDF.cfm North Carterton (Kilkenny Farm): This site plan can be viewed using the LDF Interactive Site Submissions Map via this page http://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning/IssuesOptions.cfm (click on Site Submissions Interactive Map, towards the bottom of the page, and then look for Carterton) and/or the SHLAA webpage http://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning/SHLAA.cfm (look for Carterton in the table and click on Map 2). Please send any comments you wish to make via e- mail to: jowebb_2@hotmail.com
or in writing to Jo Webb at 18 Chichester Place, Brize Norton OX18 3PD. NATIONAL GARDEN SCHEME BRIZE NORTONThis year Brize Norton has sixteen gardens opening on Sunday June
14th between 1pm and 6pm as This year we are pleased to welcome one new garden, ‘3 Minster Road’.
There are also a number of Please support our members by visiting the gardens. £3.50 per adult
ticket offers great value for Brize Norton NGS group have decided to add the Brize Norton
Horticultural Society to its list of If you would like more information or would like to open your garden next year, please get in touch. Stuart Finlayson 846386. Village Coordinator. FOXBURY FARM OPEN DAYOn Sunday 7th June 10am to 4pm A fun day out for all the family:
FREE off road car parking Admission £2.50 per adult, under 16’s and over 65’s free. Raising money for The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution and
local charities. BRIZE NORTON OVER 60’s CLUBWe have had some very interesting trips out to the Witney panto, the Bus Museum, a meal at “The Trout” – Lechlade and a visit to Church Hanborough to see Bill Faulkner’s collection of bikes, motorcycles and old cars. We enjoyed our holiday in Bournemouth, thanks to good weather and look forward to the Weymouth holiday 9th – 12th October. Our future events include a tip to Windsor and a cream tea and a picnic. If you live in Brize Norton and would like to join us, ring Joy on the
number below. We meet on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2.30 at Joy’s. We have a
meeting and an outing every month. We are holding a COFFEE MORNING on June 23rd 10.30am at Joys – EVERYONE WELCOME. Joy 842373 BRIZE NORTON DANCE CLUBWe meet every Thursday 7pm – 9pm and dance to CDs. Ballroom, sequence and Latin American. We also run tea dances, future dates are:
2.15pm until 4.15pm £2 each – profit goes to charities. We are having a summer tea dance and cream tea in Joy’s garden on June 7th. Thank you to Jean and Mabel for providing the tea. Joy Douglas AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY - FETE · CRICKET · HORTICULTURAL SHOW 2009On Monday, August 31st the annual village fete, 6-a-side cricket and the Horticultural Show will take place on the recreation ground and in the Elderbank Hall, Brize Norton. All are welcome to take part in however you see fit! Fete: We are looking for lots of village organisations to have a stall and do a little fund raising! There is no charge for village organisations - so all you make you keep. Please let me know if you would like a place. The fete normally opens around 1.00pm Cricket:This is a 6-a-side competition which involves teams from villages - purely amateur in all senses of the word. If you fancy a go or can get six players together please let Terry Merriman or myself know ASAP. Note: we are looking for a fun day and many non-cricketers take part, so no professionals please!!! First game normally starts at 11.00am This year all money raised will be going towards the building of the new sports and social pavilion. Contact: Tim Gush 01993 847630 (h) 01993 846446 (w) Horticultural Show:This show has been running for as long as I can remember but the last few years entries have been reducing. It would be a great shame if we had to stop this village event, so can we ask that all villagers and allotment holders to take a look in the veggie patch or the flower beds and entry into the show. Remember it is not Chelsea Flower Show... This is a local show open to all villagers and allotment holders and application forms/rules will be available shortly, from the Post Office (pavilion), Judy or Bev. There is an entry fee and prize money but really these are very small!!! Full details are available from: Judy Gush 01993 847630 (h) 01993 846446 (w) THE CHURCH IN THE 12TH CENTURYAfter 1066 William the Conqueror gave land belonging to the English to the Norman French nobility who came over with him. The King gave the village, Norton, to Roger of Ivry who established on it a tenant, Fulk Harang. The Saxon churches were replaced by Norman designed ones. Imagine St Britius Church in about 1190. Richard 1 was on the throne or rather off on one of those crusades. It wasn’t called St Britius then but St Peter and it had been built by the villagers who now were responsible for the repair and upkeep of the main part, the nave - the chancel was in the care of the priest. The services, which of course would be in Latin, were not taken regularly and the priest, a monk from Eynsham Abbey, would arrive perhaps on a horse or donkey. Norton parish belonged to Eynsham Abbey then as the lord of the manor, Walkelin Harang (grandson of Fulk), who held the Norton land as a tenant, gave the church and its lands to Eynsham Abbey in 1189. The Norman church was where the nave is now as the north aisle and chapel had not yet been built and the chancel was much smaller and possibly semi-circular. The floor was earth and covered with straw, the roof was thatched and lighting was by rush candles, the thick walls had slits, not windows, to let in air and let out candle fumes. The font was the only fixture as there were no seats and the altar in the chancel was a stone block. The tower and the porch had not yet been built. Outside around the building was a grassed area to be used for internments. The inhabitants of the village were the cottagers, who were allowed to farm strips of land, the villeins (serfs) and slaves and they lived in primitive wooden dwellings. The entire village worked on the land and were tenants of the Lord of the manor and could not leave the village or marry without his permission. So next time you attend a service in the church look around you and think that for over 800 years the church has been there for the village. W. MORGAN WOMEN’S INSTITUTEIt has been a comparatively quiet period for the WI since Christmas, although we did have the responsibility of providing the refreshments for the local Group Meeting. Sandwiches were cut, large cakes divided into smaller helpings and biscuits offered around. What was not eaten at the Windmill Conference centre at Clanfield, where we now meet regularly for our bigger meetings, was sold in doggy bags to be taken home and enjoyed by members from other institutes. And it sounded as though the vote of thanks for our efforts was really genuine. The future however is full of activities. The WI AGM in the Albert Hall in June will highlight our resolution urging the Government to provide funds for research into the loss of a large number of our honey bees – and remember, we were talking about this long before other organisations realised it needed saying. Then we have a Scarecrow Supper at Millets Farm, a visit to RAF Brize Norton, a party going to see An Inspector Calls at the Oxford Playhouse, a Come to Africa day, and an opportunity to try Clay Pigeon shooting. Our speakers have been knowledgeable and entertaining. From the woman settling into life in a village vicarage through to the enthusiastic composter who had us all guessing which items could actually go on our heaps, to our very own President’s daughter who has been seconded for a year to raise money for a branch of Water Aid in Africa. And in the future? We shall be putting cream on our scones at the Gardens Sunday, picking up our paint brushes at the June meeting and going round Friars Court in August. We would love to see you there. Hazel Goldman BRIZE NORTON SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUBWe are slowly moving forward in trying to get the village a new sports and social club. Our initial plans were put forward for planning and estimation late last year, with a rather expensive result. It had been estimated that around £700,000 would be needed to get this project completed. This the committee felt was far to much and that a more realistic building and cost had to be achieved. The S&SC is now in the process of having a new more modest plans drawn up and estimated. On first look these new ideas are far more viable. We will then get these plans to builders to get their thoughts and cost. The S&SC have been lucky in finding two experts (within the village) who have kindly offered their expertise to this project. This has been an unquestionable benefit - and our thanks go to them. Hopefully by the time the next Parish magazine is published I will be able to give further details on the plans and how we will all need to fund raise. Our first AGM was held on 24 March 2009 and although not that well attend a good and refreshing meeting was held. Thank you to those who attended and to all those villagers who responded to our questionnaire. Very much appreciated. The main matters that arose for the AGM where:- If you have any questions or you wish to help either as an 'expert' or as a committee member please do get in contact. Either Sam Goodwin (Secretary) at sam_goodwin31@hotmail.com or myself tim@tcg-ad.com Tim Gush WITNEY HEALTH WALKS10am from The Windrush Leisure Centre. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 1 mile or 2+ miles, just turn up, no charge PADDLE GONDOLA AND ELECTRIC PUNT LAUNCH BOATS TO HIREPaddle Boats £10, Electric Boats £20. Afternoons at The Rose Revived Inn, Newbridge, nr Standlake. Weekends, Bank Holidays, School Holidays (opening times vary due to weather and public demand). oxpltd@tiscali.co.uk. Tel: 07753276145
All entries for inclusion in the September issue should be received by the 15th August BRIZE NORTON PARISH COUNCILChairman: Keith Glazier (843640) Vice-Chairman: Christine NausCouncillors: Erica Conlan, Fred Bellenger, Stuart Guest, Garry Griffin, Richard Wargent Clerk to the Council: Jo Webb, 18 Chichester Place, Brize Norton (840890)Parish Representatives:- Oxford County Council: Jim Couchman, Dovecot House, Langford (01367 860289). WODC: Verena Hunt, 2 Rocky Banks, Brize Norton (841853) Meetings held in the Pavilion, first Tuesday every month at 7.30 pm, all welcome to attend. USEFUL CONTACT NAMES
ELDERBANK HALL ACTIVITIESThe following table lists only the regular events. There will
be other bookings and readers should not assume
The Hall is available for Private Hire Contact:- Diane Davies on 843430 The Sports Pavilion is available for Private Hire:- Jo Webb 840890