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Brize Norton Parish Council Newsletter |
You are here: Community > Brize Norton > Parish Council NewsletterPlease note that this might not be the latest issue of the Parish
Newsletter. Here is the text from the Jun 2014 Newsletter Published here with permission of the Parish Council.
REPATRIATIONSDetails of repatriations are usually received on a Monday. Notices will be displayed on the village notice boards at the earliest opportunity. Further details may be found on the Oxfordshire County Council web site. Please note timings are always subject to change. WITNEY AND CARTERTON HEALTH WALKS
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The Parish Council have been advised by Oxfordshire County Council that the Minster Road will be closed to traffic on Friday 16th June to the Tuesday 20th June for road edge strengthening. If you have any queries on this closure please contact Vanessa Buckley on 0845 310 1111. |
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The summer is just about arrived which means the end
of a successful football season, with promotion and cup
wins. Congratulations to BNFC. The cricket has been
weather affected so the first league game will be 24th
May. The wicket and the recreation ground look in good
order, thanks to everyone who has done their bit to make
the ground look top draw.
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This year we are changing the day of the August Bank Holiday Monday Cricket and Horticultural Show to the Sunday 24th August and it will become the Brize Norton Village Day. As the name suggest we would like to get as many people, organisations and businesses in the village involved in the day, not just to come along but also to participate. So if you would like to run a stall for either an organisation, or for yourself please do join in. We currently have the primary school doing the barbeque, the Church doing the teas, the Football Club running various stalls including a tombola, the WI running a stall, Bob and Margaret Watts doing Aunt Sally and the Skittles, so please join us. Run a stall, come along, and join in. There will also be lots of things for the children to do to keep them amused throughout the day - games (at no charge), stalls, bouncy castle and of course the playground is always there. |
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We also have an exhibition of historical items on
loan from the Oxfordshire Museums Service. This includes
a collection of model carts and wagons that were made by
a Brize Norton resident in the 1970s. The models are
representations of trade vehicles used in the village in
the 1920s and 30s. We are hoping this will be the centre
piece of the exhibition but we would love to see other
pieces of Brize Norton history as well. If you have any
old objects or photographs of interest and wish to share
them with the village, do let Tim Gush know (see page 11
for further information).
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The Horticultural Show will also be continuing along the same
lines as previous years, so get those onions polished, and those
flowers and crafts prepared. This year the theme is a
Commemoration of World War 1, so there are lots of themed
classes, like a lunch box for the Land Army Girls, knitting a
pair of socks, handmade bunting to celebrate the end of the war,
letter to home from someone serving in the war in whatever
capacity you fancy. So do join in; it’s a lot of fun on the day
and preparing the vegetables and flowers, crafts and cooking.
Forms will be available in the Pavilion, AK Timms, the Chequers
and from Judy Gush or Bev Tyrell. This year we have some new
judges so let’s amaze them with what we can do! If you want
hints on how to show your vegetables have a look on our Facebook
page under Brize Norton Horticultural Show and we will also put
some photos on the notice board inside the Pavilion door.
After the end of the cricket final we are planning to have a get
together in the Chequers in the evening, so come along and have
a good night out. Join us even if you can’t attend the day.
There will be food available. More information to follow - so
please keep an eye out for more details around the village.
All funds raised on the day by the separate organisations is for
them to keep, the money raised from the bar and other things
organised by the Sports and Social Club will be used to improve
the facilities in the Pavilion.
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There is a flier with this newsletter, so put it on your notice
board or fridge as a reminder. We want to make this a day to
remember in the village
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If you would like to be considered for an allotment when one becomes available please contact the clerk (01993 844102 or e-mail clerk@brizenortonparishcouncil.co.uk) to be added to the short waiting list. |
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This term we have focused on the question, ‘What
Does it Mean to Be Healthy?’ During this short term, we
have investigated healthy food and explored how we keep
our bodies healthy and active. The children have all
been doing outdoor PE activities and have taken as many
opportunities as possible to learn outdoors in the
wonderful school grounds that we are so lucky to have.
In May the whole school took part in an Outdoor Learning Wow Day, led by Miss Kerr and Mrs Rae, which was thoroughly enjoyed by children and staff alike. We cooked over a campfire, built shelters, and took part in orienteering and bouldering activities, to name but a few of our exciting challenges! Recently the Year 6 children completed their end of Key Stage 2 assessments. I have to say a huge thank you to all of our Year 6 children who approached these tests with confidence and maturity. I am extremely proud of them all, as I know staff and parents are too. |
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Next academic year is set to bring some exciting new changes to
our school. It is with pleasure that the governors inform you
that after a rigorous interview process they have been able to
appointed Mrs Anna Fairhurst, a very experienced teacher who
lives locally as new Head Teacher starting in September 2014.
Also you may have heard that the ‘Universal Infant Free School Meals’ initiative will be introduced from September 2014. This is a scheme introduced by the government to provide free school meals for all schoolchildren who will be in Foundation Stage, Year 1 or Year 2 in September 2014. In addition, this September will see the launch of the new National Curriculum. There will be some big changes to Literacy, Math’s and Science, as well as all of the other subjects taught in primary school. We will use this opportunity to revamp our School Curriculum to ensure that we continue to teach a balanced, varied and interesting curriculum, making the best use of our excellent grounds and resources – more news about our exciting new topics will follow soon!
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Supporting Easyfundraising.org.uk – shop at over 2000 well known
retailers and every time you shop you can earn a donation for
our school at no additional cost to you. To register, visit
www.easyfundraising.org.uk/pta and search for our school.
Registration is quick and simple and is absolutely free.
As always you can keep up to date with all the exciting things
we have been doing by visiting our school website at,
Emi Grant
Acting Head teacher
Most of you will know that Crest Nicholson have now made an
application to build 1,000 houses on the West of Carterton. Many
of the objections we have raised to the so called Carterton East
site - eg lack of jobs, aircraft noise, increased traffic etc -
apply equally to the West.
A report in the Oxford Mail indicates that some members of
Oxfordshire County Council are challenging the numbers projected
in the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA). We have
consistently challenged the allocation to West Oxfordshire
simply on the basis of lack of local employment opportunities.
At a meeting of the West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC)
Lowlands Area Planning sub-committee on 12th May it was
recommended that a site visit should be arranged to 'Carterton
East' enabling members to re-visit the site and inspect it in
the light of the planning application by Christ Church/Bloor
Whilst nobody is allowed to talk directly to Councillors during
a site visit BNAG are considering the merits of a 'silent
According to WODC documents 'it is anticipated that the
application will not be presented to the Area Planning
Sub-Committee until June at the earliest and possibly some time
thereafter'. This takes account of any possible changes in the
membership of committees following the local elections.
The same documents refer to the fact that the 'application will
need to be amended and put out to re consultation before it can
be determined'. This suggests that Bloor Homes will be
submitting revised plans on which we will be invited to comment.
Does this sound familiar? Does this mean writing more letters?
We will keep you appraised. Why does the expression 'going round
in ever decreasing circles' come to mind?
Finally we welcome Alex Postan as our new District Councillor
and take the opportunity to thank Verena Hunt for all the help
and advice she has offered to SBNAG since its formation.
We will continue to provide information regarding developments
and urge you to keep an eye on the website.
Prepared by Keith Beckingham on behalf of Save Brize Norton
Action Group.
Thank you to everyone who supported the pancake supper
evening in March. With the change in layout of the pews at the
back of the church we were able to cater for over 40 people and
it was a good social evening. We are utilising this space for
refreshments at the end of our services and the Light zone craft
activities. We also hold a weekly discussion course at 12.30pm
on Monday’s. Come and enjoy some hot soup and rolls and join in
the discussion on the Pilgrim text.
We also invite you to join in the Forest Church. This is held in
the Kilkenny Country Park and is a great opportunity to
reconnect with God’s creation. The first service on 11 May saw
42 people, young and old, participating and making shelters. On
8 June the activity is to learn to weave and on 22 June ‘Let’s
walk: Orienteering’. Meet by the iron horses in the park at
2.30pm and come suitably dressed in the event of bad weather!
Please come and visit the church as you wander
around the village gardens on NGS Open gardens Sunday 29
June. The church will be open and full of flowers
arranged by ladies who are opening their gardens.
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On Tuesday mornings in term time we are starting up a buggy club from 9.30am to 11am. There is a range of toys and activities to keep pre-schoolers busy and refreshments will be provided.
In May we said a sad farewell to Mrs Sue Cave who
having moved away from the area is no longer able to
play the organ at our morning services. Are you a
pianist or organist who might be prepared to play in our
morning worship? We are not asking for a weekly
commitment just when it may be convenient for you.
Please contact Jacquie if you think you may be able to
help. |
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In addition to the 9.15am Holy Communion services each Sunday,
on the 1st and 3rd Sundays there is a Light Zone service – an
informal worship with activities arranged for the children
attending and songs, prayers and refreshments. For further
details of the church services refer to the notices on the
church door or log onto the website -
The church is open each Sunday after the morning services until
dusk or 6pm. You are welcome to visit to learn more of the
church’s fascinating history or just for quiet reflection.
St John’s Church, Burford Road, Carterton |
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Thank you to all those (between 70 and 80 people!) who helped
Joy celebrate her 80th birthday – it was a lovely celebration.
We are a small club for village residents. We meet on the 1st
and 3rd Tuesdays of the month with either a meeting at 4 Squires
Close (at 2pm) or we go on an outing. We have speakers and a
nice tea to follow thanks to June, Connie, and Benita. Our
future programme is as follows:
3 June Vist to Thrupp – tea by the river
17 June Meal out
1 July Picnic with organ music in Horace Hollifield’s garden
15 July Coffee morning 10.30am at Joy’s. Everyone welcome
5 August River trip
If you are interested in joining us please contact Joy on 01993 842373
Tuesday 15 July
10.30am at Joy’s, 4 Squires Close
Bring and buy and raffle
The Thames Valley Police Non Emergency number is 101 but always call 999 in an Emergency.
The neighbourhood team e-mail is cartertonbamptonburford@thamesvalley.pnn.police.ukCENTENARY COMMEMORATION OF WORLD WAR 1
The Parish Council are pleased to report that they have recently been successful in securing a grant of £500 from WODC Community Activities Grants to fund a memorial to commemorate the fallen of WW 1 from Brize Norton. The project proposed is for a colonnade of 18 Lombardy poplar trees (one for each of the WW 1 fallen) to be planted on the field boundary of the recreation ground. There will be a stone plinth with a plaque illustrated with an outline map of Europe showing the location of Brize Norton and where the fallen are buried. A date for your diaries is Friday 7 November 2014 when there will be an unveiling ceremony for all to attend together with contributions from the children of the primary school.
The Parish Council will like to thank Dr Phil Holmes, Bob Watts and Fred Bellenger for initiating the project; to WODC for their grant of £500 and to the Directors of Smiths and Sons, Bletchingdon who have generously agreed to provide the stone plinth.
Accounts of the very ordinary men and boys who made the extraordinary journey from Brize Norton and paid the ultimate sacrifice in serving their Country in The Great War are recorded in the village history archive that was circulated to all residents last year. As a reminder if you would like a copy of the village history archive please contact the Clerk or visit the Church. A minimum donation of £3 is asked for. Dr Holmes is working on a more complete account with the village background, details of the fallen and of their regiments and where they served. He would welcome any information, especially photos, from any relatives of the fallen to complete the history which will be on display at the Brize Norton Village Day on Sunday 24 August.
Dr Holmes would like to thank Phil & Margaret Timms, Joy Douglas and The Parish Council for a wealth of material which has now been added to a growing collection and will also be on display. Please contact the clerk or alternatively Dr Holmes at Church Farmhouse (843856) p.holmes@brizenorton.org.uk with further village history related material you have, in particular photos so that the online archive can be added to. Any material can be returned to you immediately after scanning. Also if you have items of history that you are prepared to lend for exhibition on Sunday 24 August Dr Holmes or Tim Gush would like to hear from you
31 June RBL Ride of Respect through village 9am to noon
2 June Annual and Ordinary Parish Council meeting 7.30pm The Pavilion
18 June Annual village assembly 7.30pm The Elderbank Hall
27 June School fete 5.30pm to 7pm
29 June Open Gardens in village 1pm to 6pm
12 July Faringdon Singers concert, St John’s, Carterton at 7.30pm
15 July Over 60’s coffee morning 10.30am 4 Squire’s Close
17 July Final dance club before summer break, 7.30pm EBH
24 August Village open day and Brize Norton history exhibition
4 September Dance Club start back after Summer break, 7.30pm EBH
13 September St Britius fund raising event/OHCT Ride and Stride
7 November Unveiling ceremony WW1 commemoration memorial
All entries for inclusion in the September 2014 issue should be
received by the clerk by
15 August 2014.
Chairman: Keith Glazier (843640)
Councillors: Stuart Guest, Pip Squire, Selwyn Shorrock, Tony Shillingford
Clerk to the
Council: Carolyn Peach, 52a Station Road, Brize Norton (844102)
email: clerk@brizenortonparishcouncil.co.uk
Parish Representatives:-
Oxford County Council: Neil Owen, 'Robinswood". Frog Lane, Milton-u-Wychwood, OX7 6JZ.
WODC: Alexander Postan, Wheelwright Cottage, Brideg Street, Shilton OX18 4AA (842740)
Meetings held in the Pavilion, first Monday every month at 7.30 pm, all welcome to attend.
Organisation | Contact | Telephone No. |
The Church | Rev James Maddern | 844175 |
The School | Emerald Grant (Acting Head) | 842488 |
School Governors | Miranda Mowbray | 842488 |
Football Club | Simon Cook | 841096/07825 002298 |
Ladies FC | Jenny McDowell | 07894 495500 |
BN S&SC/Cricket Club | Tim Gush | 846730 |
Elderbank Hall | Diane Davies | 843430 |
Horticultural Show | Judy Gush | 846730 |
Women's Institute | Shelagh Chatterton | 843136 |
Over 60's | Joy Douglas | 842373 |
Open Gardens | Judy Gush | 843730 |
Post 0ffice Sports Pavilion | Tues & Thurs 9:30-12:30 pm | |
Police (Carterton) | Mon-Fri 9.30-12.30 & 13.00-15.30 | 101 |
The following table lists only the regular events. There will be other bookings and readers should not assume that the hall is available without reference to Diane Davies (see below)
Pre-school (3-5 years) | Mon - Fri | 9 am - 12 noon | Alex Skym | 07769617696 |
Mon, Tues & Wed | 12.00 - 3 pm** | |||
Brownies | Mondays | 6 pm - 7.30 pm | Barbara Thorne | 842013 |
Badminton | Mondays | 8.00 - 10.30 pm | Mrs Morris Mrs Claridge |
843196 842268 |
West Oxfordshire Woodturning Assoc | 1st Tuesday in the month | 8.00-10.00pm | David Spittles | 776036 |
Women's Institute | 2nd Tuesday in the month | 7.30 - 10 pm | Shelagh Chatterton | 843136 |
Rainbows | Wednesday | 3.30 - 4.30pm | Barbara Thorne | 842013 |
20:20:20 Zumba | Wednesday | 8 - 9 pm | Steph Hill | 07970831061 |
Dancing Club | Thursdays | 7.30 pm - 9.30 pm | Joy Douglas | 842373 |
Karate | Fridays | 6 pm - 7.00 pm | Tracy Haley | 700464 |
Judo Club | Saturdays | 9.30 - 11.30 am | Jonathan Germans | 01865 8843399 |
** Pre school opening hours
The Hall is available for Private Hire Contact:- Diane Davies on 843430