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Brize Norton Parish Council Newsletter |
The Communities of Brize Norton and Carterton |
You are here: Community > Brize Norton > Parish Council NewsletterPlease note that this might not be the latest issue of the Parish
Newsletter. Here is the text from the March 2011 Newsletter Published here with permission of the Parish Council.
CHAIRMAN'S REPORTA few Facts taken from published material by West Oxford District Council, Carterton Town Council, RAF Brize Norton and the literature of various developers.
The above chart attempts to show the REAL numbers of houses being planned for this area and to estimate the population increase. It also illustrates the considerable extra demand that will be placed on limited infrastructure. At the recent Parish meeting the Parish Council received a very clear mandate to object to the West Oxford District Council (WODC) proposed 4,300 housing target, to site 1,000 additional homes in Carterton and in particular to make the strongest objection to any plans to allow building on the East between Carterton and Brize Norton village. Contained in this magazine are details of how to record your views in response to WODC's proposals to build 4,300 homes over the next 15 years. Concentrating the major expansion on Carterton and Witney, of which 3200 or 75% are to be built within 2-3 kilometres of Brize Norton. The Eastern option is 200metres from the Church and only 20 metres from houses on the Burford Road!!! Please ensure your views are made clear to WODC by writing, e mailing or going on line. All correspondence to reach WODC BY 11TH March 2011` MORE HOUSES PLANNEDDavid Wilson Homes are staging a "drop- in" exhibition at the Carterton Community Centre Marigold Square, Shilton Park Carterton to explain further growth to the North of Carterton. Please note pressure is still on to develop to the North of Carterton. ST BRITIUS CHURCHAll our Christmas services were well attended in spite of the snow and ice. It was good to see so many people making the time to celebrate the real meaning of Christmas. Thank you to everyone, especially the children, who read lessons at the Candlelit Carol Service and to the children who took part in the nativity tableau and their parents for dressing them up appropriately. All families are most welcome at the Mothering Sunday Family Service on April 3rd at 9.15 am when the children will present bouquets of flowers to all the ladies. Our Easter services will start on Palm Sunday, 17th April with the 9.15 am Communion Service and continue on:
Friends of St Britius - "Stop the drips at St Brits"Thank you to everyone who has renewed their membership of the Friends. After a very successful "Raise the Roof" concert in church on Saturday February 5th the total raised for the repair of the roof stands at £38,700, for which we must thank everyone again for their support. This is a fantastic total, however, we must not get complacent as the task ahead is still daunting. The St Britius PCC have formally accepted the offer of a grant from English Heritage. but it brings with it a time commitment to raise more funds. It is a grant towards the cost of repairs to the roof above the north aisle, vestry north slope and the chancel roof. Beyond this, we need to raise further monies to fund the cost of repair of the nave and the porch roof. So please support these forthcoming events:
Please see our special website - www.brizenorton.org.uk/stbritiusroof for more information. BRIZE NORTON PRIMARY SCHOOLThis term our children have been working hard on a range of exciting topics. Our youngest children have been learning about the Artic and Antarctica and have carried out lots of science work to see how they can stop icebergs from melting. Class 2 have been learning all about castles, while class 3 have been learning about countries around the world through the Philip Pullman story, The Firework Maker's Daughter. Both classes have been on trips this term, Class 2 to Warwick Castle and Class 3 to The Old Rep Theatre in Birmingham. Class 4 have been learning about Titanic; the reasons for the disaster and the impact it had on the many people involved. This term our School Council have been busy evaluating the work of the school and how we can become even better at all we do. As part of their community contribution each class have researched a range of charities and decided on one they would like to support for 2011. Charities have ranged from the JR Children's Hospital, the Make a Wish Foundation to the World Wildlife Fund. On 4th February each class planned and held a fundraising event which included dressing up day, milk-shake sale and school café. Class 1 have been extra busy this term visiting the retirement home on Shilton Park, where they sang songs to entertain the residents. The School Association continues to ensure that events are planned for children, families and the community, raising important money for the school at the same time. Forth coming events include:
BRIZE NORTON VILLAGE PRE SCHOOLHappy New Year from us all at Pre-School! This term we have been enjoying learning about Chinese New Year, doing lots of messy play, visiting our allotment and using our new Sandpit which was kindly custom made for us by Jacob Brown Woodworking and installed by the Barber Family. We have also launched our new Cooking Club and Rising 4's Session on a Tuesday afternoon, this has been very popular and our older children are very much enjoying being able to do more advanced activities. We are now registering children for September, children can attend pre-school from age 2 and are able to attend for free for up to 15 hours a week the term after they are 3, our session times are below, please contact us for information and waiting list forms - children from within the village are always given priority.
We would like to thank everyone who supported our Glow in the Dark Disco which was thoroughly enjoyed by all and raised over £250 - this year the pre-school has to raise over £3000 to keep running, so please keep up your much appreciated support! Our next big event is our annual (and very popular) May Ball. 7th May @ Witney Lakes Resort, tickets are £25 which includes; food, live music, entertainment and much more. This year we are having a Hollywood theme, so get your glad rags on and come along! Please contact Lucy Lavers 07813846569 for tickets and more information. We unfortunately had to cancel the village Baby and Toddler Group at the end of last year due to lack of support, however we are willing to begin running another Mother and Baby Group (for under 2's) if there is enough interest. Please contact Lauren Jacobs if you are interested in attending (likely to be Wednesday AM) or are willing to help out 01993 841242. Pre-School is open as above, to contact us please call 07769617696 or email brizepreschool@hotmail.co.uk.
Lauren Jacobs BRIZE NORTON OVER 60's CLUBDue to the bad weather we had to cancel our Christmas party but we enjoyed our Christmas cake, drinks and presents on January 18th when Cliff played to us. The Witney pantomime was excellent as usual. Foxbury Farm provided an enjoyable meal on February 1st.
Carol and Edna are retiring after many years providing our teas. Many thanks. June and Connie has kindly offered to fill their places and join Benita. Many thanks to our tea ladies.
The club is open to village residents. Meetings are 2.30 to 4.30pm at 4
Squires Close.
STEP & CONDITIONING CLASSWednesdays 8-9pm at the Elderbank Hall, all levels welcome. BRIZE NORTON DANCE CLUBWe meet on Thursdays 7.30 till 9.30pm. We dance ballroom, latin and sequence dances to CDs. Jean and Mable provide a cup of tea during the evening. Many thanks
Chairman: Keith Glazier (843640) Vice-Chairman:
Garry Griffin (841616) Councillors: Fred Bellenger, Stuart Guest,
James Gillies, Lindsay Meeks. Laurence Taylor Clerk to the Council: Jo Webb, 18 Chichester Place, Brize Norton
(840890) Parish Representatives:- Oxford County Council: Jim Couchman, Dovecot House, Langford (01367
860289). WODC: Verena Hunt, 2 Rocky Banks, Brize Norton (841853) Meetings held in the Pavilion, first Tuesday every month at 7.30 pm,
all welcome to attend. The following table lists only the regular events. There will
be other bookings and readers should not assume that the hall is available without reference to Diane Davies (see below) Mon & Wed
12 noon - 3 pm The Hall is available for Private Hire Contact:- Diane Davies on