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Brize Norton Parish Council Newsletter |
The Communities of Brize Norton and Carterton |
You are here: Community > Brize Norton > Parish Council NewsletterPlease note that this might not be the latest issue of the Parish
Newsletter. Here is the text from the September 2009 Newsletter Published here with permission of the Parish Council.
CHAIRMAN’S REPORTOnce again we have a very full Newsletter, thank you to all contributors. The Pre-School and the Primary School are both very thriving centres of learning. Congratulations to all those children who have obviously worked very hard, aided by the staff, to produce such excellent results. And also good luck to all those children who have moved on to "Big School". The Pre-School has extended their hours to accommodate an ever increasing number of children. I am informed that there are three sets of twins starting this term; if children are arriving 2 by 2 perhaps we should look at enlarging the Primary school again.
The bank holiday festivities were very well supported with increased
numbers of entries in the fruit and vegetable show. There was also a
very successful cricket competition, with the Presidents' "family team"
proving to be a great success. Our hardworking barman tells me 5 barrels
of beer were consumed! Gardening and Cricket are obviously thirsty work.
The Elderbank Hall has been decorated and fitted out with new curtains.
We must thank Diane Davies and the Elderbank Hall committee for
co-ordinating this refurbishment. Keith Glazier ST BRITIUS CHURCHOur Harvest Festival celebration will take place at the Family Service on Sunday 4th October at 9.15 am. All harvest gifts brought to church will be combined with the children's gifts at school and taken to The Porch Steppin' Stone Centre which helps the homeless in Oxford. If you haven't been to church recently, why not join us on Sunday 1st November for "Back to Church" Sunday to meet our new vicar, James Maddern and his young family. This was a very popular service last year and again we will be inviting all couples who have recently married, and families whose children have been baptised at St Britius to join us, and everyone else who would like to come. It will be a special Family Service at 9.15 am. We shall also be celebrating our Patronal Festival and there will be refreshments afterwards including mulled wine. The Service of Remembrance will take place on Sunday 8th November at 10 am with the wreath laying at the War Memorial at 11 am. BRIZE NORTON PRIMARY SCHOOLWe will soon be at the start of another school year. Hopefully all our
families have enjoyed a relaxing summer break, regardless of the lack of
summer weather. Over the last year we have continued to strive to give our children a
broad and balanced curriculum with many additional opportunities to
enhance their enjoyment of learning. We are pleased to have been granted
many awards for this work including an Arts Mark, Active Mark,
Eco-schools Green Flag, International School status and the Basic Skills
Quality Mark for our work on raising achievement in maths and English.
BRIZE NORTON VILLAGE PRE-SCHOOLWe have had such a busy year with lots and lots of change! Our ever
growing group has now increased so much that we have added extra
sessions. We are still open Monday - Friday 9.00 - 12.00 but, we are
also offering a lunch club every day and here's the big news, we are
also offering two afternoons a week!!!!! Monday and Wednesday till 3pm.
BRIZE NORTON OVER 60’s CLUBWe meet 2nd and 4th Tuesdays for either a meeting or a trip out. If you live in Brize Norton you are most welcome to join us. Just contact Joy on 842373 or just turn up. We meet at 4 Squires Close at 2.30pm. We have a speaker or entertainment and finish the afternoon with sandwiches and home made cakes thanks to June, Benita, Edna and Carol. We have just had a cream tea, picnic and coffee morning, visited Bill's collection of old bikes and cars and had a coach trip to Windsor and meal at 'The Trout' Lechlade. Our future programme is:
Joy Douglas BRIZE NORTON KARATE CLUBWe are fast approaching our 5 year anniversary in the village and have now moved to the new time of 6pm to 7.30pm on a Friday. A great environment to learn traditional karate for people of all ages. If you would like to come and try it out, the first two lessons are free. For more information please contact Matt Webb on 840890. BRIZE NORTON DANCE CLUBWe dance in Elderbank Hall every Thursday 7pm - 9pn starting again
September 3rd. We also run tea dances in the Elderbank Hall 2.15 till
4.15pm Sunday October 11th Sunday November 8th Sunday December 13th All profit goes to charity. WOMEN'S INSTITUTEApart from our usual monthly meetings, we took advantage of the holiday month to go on our own outing. Not very far. Just down to Clanfield where we were shown round Friars Court which has been home to the Wilmer family since 1917, and learnt a great deal about sustainable farming and the number of ways in which wind and water can be harnessed to produce energy. We also went round the garden with its willow tunnel, rustic bridge and clever 'mirror' placings to reflect new surprising views. We also met Moo the Cat and a dog whose name I have forgotten, who helped to usher us into the main room of the house where we enjoyed a light supper. And wonder of wonders in this non barbecue summer, just as we arrived, the sun came out! We have one other outing to look forward to. We are visiting WI's in the Vale group on September 17th and will be shown round Uffington, in return for the look round Manor Farm at Minster Lovell which we arranged for them. We have also been invited to send three people on a visit to RAF Brize Norton, while we hope to run a stall at the Bank Holiday cricket tournament. Hazel Goldman EXTRACTS FROM DEANERY MAGAZINE 1881.JANUARY. Matron Society. Nearly three years ago it was decided that the offerings which were given when mothers came to church, to return thanks to God for being delivered from 'the great pain and peril of childbirth', should be put together to form a fund for the purchase of such things as were to be useful at the time of childbirth. APRIL. April 25th is St Mark's Day and it was held in some parts of our country that if a person would go boldly and sit in the church porch on that night until 1am the next morning he or she would then see pass before them the ghosts of all the neighbours who would die the next year. JULY. It is necessary before all the arrangements are made for a wedding or a funeral that application is made to the Vicar to find out whether the proposed day and time are convenient. A bier for funerals has been purchased which can be easily managed by two people or a pony can draw it. It will be found to be more convenient than carrying the corpse on the shoulders. OCTOBER. A Medical Club will soon start in Witney and the neighbourhood for women and children. Payments for adults are 1s.1d. per quarter and 61/2d for two children. The club will be entirely self supporting and to be able to pay the Doctor's bill will be a great boon. DECEMBER. Special services to be held for the dedication of the new
organ on December 6th. (Money raised was by donations from the
congregation). Evensong and sermon at 3.15pm by the Vicar of Freeland.
Evensong and sermon at 6.30pm by the Vicar of St Frideswide. Organ
played by Rev. Neville. Public Tea in the School Room 5-6pm, tickets 6d. W. MORGAN
FUN DOG & PET SHOWA Brize Norton family fun dog & pet show is to be held on Saturday 19th September from 2.00pm onwards. All proceeds will go towards the School. Open to all. Apart from the show itself there will be cake sale, pet stall and a raffle, plus refreshments for both humans and canines. To be held at Brize Norton Primary School. The Classes:
Rosettes will be awarded to 1st and 2nd place for all of the above classes. Plus: Fun Agility Run - over a special obstacle course. Fastest dog wins. Open to all dogs, no pre-experience required! Children can have adult help if required. 2 Classes - small & medium dogs and large & giant dogs. Fun Agility will run from 2.15pm until the finish. You can enter as many times as your dog will allow. Best in show - those placed 1st in each class Registration for dog classes commences from 2.00pm. Classes start at 2.15pm. You can also pre-register by filling in an entry form, enclosing payment for each class entered and returning to Sue Reid, via the school. Or for non school participants please post to Sue Reid, 16 Wessex Close, Faringdon, SN7 7YY. Please do not send cash, make cheques payable to Brize Norton School Association. Terms and Conditions
Water will be available for dogs on the day.
All entries for inclusion in the December issue should be received by the 15th November BRIZE NORTON PARISH COUNCILChairman: Keith Glazier (843640) Vice-Chairman: Christine NausCouncillors: Erica Conlan, Fred Bellenger, Stuart Guest, Garry Griffin Clerk to the Council: Jo Webb, 18 Chichester Place, Brize Norton (840890)Parish Representatives:- Oxford County Council: Jim Couchman, Dovecot House, Langford (01367 860289). WODC: Verena Hunt, 2 Rocky Banks, Brize Norton (841853) Meetings held in the Pavilion, first Tuesday every month at 7.30 pm, all welcome to attend. USEFUL CONTACT NAMES
ELDERBANK HALL ACTIVITIESThe following table lists only the regular events. There will
be other bookings and readers should not assume
The Hall is available for Private Hire Contact:- Diane Davies on 843430 The Sports Pavilion is available for Private Hire:- Jo Webb 840890