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Brize Norton Parish Council Newsletter |
You are here: Community > Brize Norton > Parish Council NewsletterPlease note that this might not be the latest issue of the Parish
Newsletter. Here is the text from the Sep 2015 Newsletter Published here with permission of the Parish Council.
We had an extremely busy end of term, with far too many
events to mention. One particularly special day was when we
welcomed students from Uganda, as well as David Tusuubira, the
head teacher of our partner primary school there. The students
sang and performed for us and we performed for them, before they
gave us a chance to try their dancing and drumming skills. Our
children also performed in two Music Festivals with children
from other local primary schools, as well as two concerts in
school for the parents. We had singing, dancing, acting, musical
instruments and our very own abridged version of Shakespeare’s
“Henry V”. Of course, we also had Sports Day – congratulations
to our winning house, the Dragons – and the usual round of
sports festivals and tournaments. Our Year 3/4 tri-golfers did
particularly well, progressing to the county final and doing
well there, which is especially good for a small school like
For further information or to book a place at either of these
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Due to family commitments I am looking to scale down
my time with Guiding over the next year. If Brownies and
Rainbows are to continue to run in the village help is
needed. Please come along and see if it’s something you
would enjoy either by running activities, helping with
the paperwork, organising activities, helping with the
accounts – every week or a once a month commitment. All
necessary training will be given. If help is not
forthcoming then the units will close sometime next
year. If you think you may be able to offer any help
please contact me 01993 842013 or 07504 446253 (text). Thank you - Barbie Thorne
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BRIZE NORTON WOMEN’S INSTITUTEWe continue to have a varied programme of speakers and events to keep us all interested. In June Shelagh Chatterton represented our WI at a tea party for WI members at Buckingham Palace and was introduced to Sophie, Countess of Wessex before taking a tour of the beautiful gardens. In July the WI were honoured with the presence of HM The Queen, the Princess Royal and The Countess of Wessex at the WI AGM in the Albert Hall which was relayed to cinemas and streamed to computers so that everybody who wanted to could share in the Centenary celebrations of the WI. |
We again did the teas for the Open Gardens Day and had a stall
at The Tolsey in Burford to raise funds.
In July we had a talk by John Moss on his and Andrea's
adventures in Antarctica which was very interesting with some
fantastic photos and in August we had an outing to Hidcote Manor
Garden, Chipping Campden for a talk before letting us loose on
the gardens.
Forthcoming Speakers and Events:-
30 August - We will be having a couple of stalls, a Hoopla and guess the weight of the cake at the Annual Village Fete Day.
8 September - Talk by Ian Jones titled "Bomb Disposal"
13 October - Muriel Pilkington will talk about "Lost Villages of Oxfordshire”
10 November – Talk about the background to "Pub Signs" by Angela Panrucker
8 December - Annual Christmas lunch.
Do come and join us at the Elderbank Hall at 7.30pm on the
second Tuesday of the month. You will be most welcome.
Sue Calcutt
Updated waste and recycling calendars, for October 2015 to
September 2016, will be available to download from West
Oxfordshire District Council’s website from mid-September.
These calendars will remind you which bins to put out on what
days and are especially helpful to find out any changes over the
Christmas period and Bank Holidays.
Alternatively, sign up to receive FREE email updates
about your property direct to your inbox including:
For more information see: www.westoxon.gov.uk |
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West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC) recently submitted
their Local Plan 2031 to the Planning Inspectorate and a
Planning Inspector has been appointed to establish whether the
plan is 'sound.' It is anticipated that the examination hearing
sessions will take place later in the year.
On 31 July the Planning Inspector wrote to WODC requesting
further information and clarification of several fundamental
points in advance of the hearing. In particular, he challenged
WODC's methodology for submitting a lower number of new houses
to be built in West Oxfordshire as opposed to the higher number
contained in the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA).
WODC were granted until 12th August to make what we anticipate
will be a robust response. Visit the WODC website for the latest
Meantime BNAG continue to monitor the Carterton Masterplan and
several of us attended the Carterton Town Council meeting on
Tuesday 21 July. All comments on the Masterplan received by 3rd
July are now being collated by the consultants, WYG Urban and
Landscape, and the results will be presented to CTC members at a
workshop in September. Thereafter the results will be made known
to the public. BNAG are anxious that ALL responses to the
Masterplan are published in full, are readily accessible and not
just summarised
BNAG member Dr Phil Holmes had a letter published in the Witney
Gazette challenging the claim that the Masterplan had the
support of all the neighbouring parishes. His letter, and other
letters to the press from BNAG members may be read on the
website at www.bncommunity.org
For those of you who might be concerned by some of the proposals
contained in the Masterplan we urge you to study the letter from
Chris Hargraves, Planning Policy Manager at WODC, which also
appears on the website. This adds a much needed sense of realism
to the subject and is essential reading.
So you can see there is much going on!
If you would like to become more involved in local matters why
not join us? For more information please 'phone me on 843608 or
email me at wwwbeckingham@talktalk.net
From Keith Beckingham on behalf of Brize Norton Action Group (BNAG)
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We meet in the Elderbank Hall every Thursday evening
from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. We dance ballroom, Latin American
and sequence dances to CD’s. We have tea and biscuits in
the interval - only £2 per person. Everyone is welcome to join us. For more information contact Joy on 01993 842373 |
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The next half yearly meting for allotment holders
will be on Monday 5 October at 7pm at the sports pavilion. The presentation of the ‘Best Kept Allotment’ will be made at this meeting. Please note that the allotments are private and entry is restricted to allotment holders, friends and family only. They are not to be accessed by non allotment holders, used as a play area or used as a shortcut or footpath for access to other areas. If you would like to be considered for an allotment when one becomes available please contact the clerk (01993 844102 or e-mail clerk@brizenortonparishcouncil.co.uk) to be added to the short waiting list. |
We are a village group of 27 members who meet twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays with either a meeting or an outing. Meetings take place at 2pm at 4 Squires Close. After a meeting we enjoy a chat over homemade cakes, sandwiches and tea. Thanks to June, Connie and Benita. Our future programme is as follows:
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The programme is also posted on the village noticeboard.
For further information please contact Joy on 01993 842373.
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Witney - We meet at Witney’s Windrush Leisure
Centre at 10 am on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
There is no charge. We do two walks; one is 1-2 miles
long, the other 2-3 miles both ending up with a cup of
coffee. For more information ring Joy on 01993 842373. Carterton - On Monday, Thursday and Saturday we meet at the Town Hall, Carterton at 10am. The walks are 1–2 miles long. For more information contact Barbara Goudal on 01993 845923. |
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Gym ball classes at Elderbank Hall on Wednesdays
7.15pm – 8.00pm. All abilities and ages welcome. Contact
us on 01993 851753 bamptonphysio@btconnect.com www.bampton-physiotherapy.co.uk |
Thank you to everyone who took time to create the beautiful flower arrangements for viewing on the Open Gardens day.
Recently we have rebuilt a wall in the churchyard and had a bit of a tidy. We are indebted for the help we received and for all the assistance we are given in maintaining a tidy churchyard. Could we ask that if you need to dispose of waste material in the bins in the churchyard that you take care in separating compostable rubbish and general rubbish (grey bin). If you would like to volunteer in the occasional church yard tidy ups we would be very pleased to hear from you. Please contact Rev Maddern.
Please come to support us in our fundraising activities at
the following events:
At the Village Day on Sunday 30th August have a go at the
bottle tombola stall and take time to enjoy a cup of tea and
homemade cake.
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Saturday 12 September The annual Oxford Historic Churches Trust ‘Ride and Stride’ event. This is also a sponsored event raising funds for St Britius and OHCT. If you would like to support this initiative by taking part or sponsoring individuals visiting the churches in Oxfordshire please contact Rev Maddern - 844175. |
Forest Church starts back on Sunday 13th September from 2.30pm
to 3.30pm meeting at the metal horses in Kilkenny Country Park.
For further details contact Rev Maddern.
We will be celebrating Harvest at our Festival
Family Service in church on Sunday 4th October at 10.00 am. All harvest gifts (non-perishable please) brought to church may be combined with the children's gifts at school and taken to The Porch Charity, Steppin' Stone Centre which helps the homeless in Oxford. This service will be the first of our monthly family communion services – please note the 10am start time, first Sunday in the month. We have revised the format of our family worship and aim to offer an all age communion service with activities arranged for the children attending and refreshments for all. |
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If you haven't been to church recently, why not join us on Sunday 1 November for our "Back to Church" Sunday. The family communion service at 10.00 am celebrates our Patronal Festival of Saint Britius. We will be inviting all couples who have recently married and families whose children have been baptised at St Britius to join us, and everyone else who would like to come. There will be refreshments afterwards. |
Our Service of Remembrance will take place on Sunday 8 November
at 10 am with the wreath laying at the War Memorial at 11 am.
For details of the church services refer to the notices on the
church door or log onto the website
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Operation Christmas Child is the world’s largest children’s Christmas project run by the Christian relief and development organisation Samaritan’s Purse. Make a special connection with a child overseas – give a shoebox gift from your hands into theirs. You can fill your own shoebox gift or make donations of gifts (collection boxes in St Britius Church) that can be used to fill decorated medium sized shoe boxes that are then sent overseas to children in need. The deadline for the boxes to be made up is Sunday 8 November. Look out for further information on the notice boards or contact Carolyn on 01993 844102. |
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West Oxfordshire residents are being urged to help keep
public sector costs down by responding promptly, and if possible
electronically, when they receive their electoral registration
The Council is writing to over 47,000 households in the District
asking them to take action by confirming their registration
details either by text, by Freephone, online or by post. If
changes need to be made to the registration details sent, then
the household is asked to notify the Council either online or by
returning the form provided.
Electoral registration is a legal requirement that
has to be to done each year and residents must be on the
Electoral Register to be eligible to vote. “With it now being so quick and easy to reply we are hoping an early high response rate will reduce the need to send out reminders, as these are costly and could amount to as much as £50,000,” says Keith Butler, West Oxfordshire District Council’s Electoral Registration Officer. He also added, “Costs can be reduced even further by responding digitally rather than by post.” The Register is also often used by credit checking agencies and can be required for things such as getting a loan or mortgage or mobile phone contract. Other pitfalls of not being on the Register include not being eligible to apply for certain jobs which require security checks and not being able to open a bank account. Further information is online at www.westoxon.gov.uk/register. Anyone who has not received an electoral registration form by 1 September should contact the Council on 01993 861410 or email elections@westoxon.gov.uk. |
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We meet every Monday at The Elderbank Hall and play from 8.00 pm until 10.00 pm; all ages from teenage to active retired are most welcome. It cost just £2.50 per session. For more details ring Tina on 842268 or Laurence on 07771 998821, or just come along to the hall. |
If you identify a pot hole please report it to Oxfordshire County Council Highways either online at Oxfordshire.gov.uk or phone 0845 3101111 or write to Highway Enquiries Team, Oxfordshire County Council, PO Box 842, OXFORD OX1 9LL
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The Thames Valley Police Non-Emergency number is 101
but always call 999 in an Emergency. E-mail the team at
cartertonbamptonburford@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk |
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West Oxon Woodturning Association (WOWA) meets on
the first Tuesday of every month at the Elderbank
Village Hall, Brize Norton. We start at 7.30 pm and
finish about 10.00 pm. Non-members are very welcome but
members and visitors must be over 16. Our meetings comprise of demonstrations either by one of our members or by a professional turner or its just ‘Hands On’. All demonstrations are enhanced by the use of a video projection system that allows everyone to view the intricacies of the finer points of wood turning. Please come along and enjoy an evening - your first visit is free! For further information please contact Dave Spittles on 01993 776036 or visit our web site at WOWA.org.uk |
30 August Village Day, Cricket Festival and Horticultural show
7 September Parish Council meeting, 7.30pm Sports Pavilion
25 September Macmillan Coffee afternoon 2.00-4.00pm The Elderbank Hall
2 October Autumn Ball, Witney Golf Club, Downs Road BNPS fundraiser
4 October Harvest Festival St Britus 10.00am
5 October Allotment holders meeting, 7.00pm Sports Pavilion
5 October Parish Council meeting, 7.45pm Sports Pavilion
16 October Quiz Night, Primary School, 7.00pm BNPS fundraiser
1 November ‘Back to Church’ Sunday, St Britius 10.00am
2 November Parish Council meeting, 7.30pm Sports Pavilion
8 November Remembrance Sunday service 10.00am, wreath laying 11.00am
1 December Coffee morning, 4 Squire’s Close, 10.30am Over 60’s fundraiser
7 December Parish Council meeting, 7.30pm Sports Pavilion
All entries for inclusion in the December
2015 issue should be received by the clerk by
15 November 2015.
Chairman: Keith Glazier (843640)40)
Councillors: Stuart Guest, Pip Squire, Selwyn Shorrock, Tony Shillingford, Lawrence TaylorParish Representatives:-
OCC: Neil Owen, 'Robinswood".
Frog Lane, Milton-u-Wychwood, OX7 6JZ.
WODC: Alexander
Postan, Wheelwright Cottage, Brideg Street, Shilton OX18 4AA (842740)
Meetings held in the Pavilion, first Monday every month at 7.30 pm, all welcome to attend.
Organisation | Contact | Telephone No. |
The Church | Rev James Maddern | 844175175 |
Anna Fairhurst | 842488 | |
School Governors | Miranda Mowbray | 842488 |
Football Club | Simon Cook | 841096/07825 002298 |
BN S&SC/Cricket Club | Tim Gush | 846730 |
Elderbank Hall | Diane Davies | 843430 |
Horticultural Show | Judy Gush | 846730 |
Women's Institute | Susan Cotterill | 823188 |
Over 60's | Joy Douglas | 842373 |
Open Gardens | Jean Butcher | 841347 |
Post 0ffice Sports Pavilion | Tues & Thurs 9:30-12:30 pm | |
Police (Carterton) | Mon-Fri 9.30-12.30 & 13.00-15.30 30 | 101 |
The following table lists only the regular events. There will be other bookings and readers s should not assume that the hall is available without reference to Diane Davies (see below)
Pre-school (3-5 years) | Mon - Fri | 9 am - 12 noon | Claire | 07769617696 |
Mon, Tues & Wed | 12.00 - 3 pm** | |||
Brownies | Mondays | 6.00 - 7.30 pm | Barbara Thorne | 842013 |
Badminton | Mondays | 8.00 - 10.30 pm |
843196 842268 | |
West Oxfordshire Woodturning Assoc | 1st Tuesday in the month | 8.00-10.00pm | David Spittles | 776036036 |
Women's Institute | 2nd Tuesday in the month | 7.30 - 10 pm | Susan Cotterill | 823188 |
Rainbows | Wednesday | 3.30 - 4.30 pm | Barbara Thorne | 842013 |
Gymball | Wednesday | 7.15 - 8.00 pm | Bampton Physio | 851753 |
20:20:20 Zumba | Wednesday | 8.00 - 9.00 pm | Steph Hill | 07970831061061 |
Dancing Club | Thursdays | 7.30 - 9.30 pm | Joy Douglas | 842373 |
Karate | Fridays | 6.00 - 7.00 pm | Tracy Haley | 700464 |
Judo Club | Saturdays | 9.30 - 11.30 am | Jonathan Germans | 01865 8843399 |
** Pre school opening hours
The Hall is available for Private Hire Contact:- Diane Davies on 843430