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As we slowly work our way out of
Lockdown; some of us are returning to work,
some of us are getting used to going out to
the shops once again and many of us are so
glad that our bubbles have been expanded so
that we can now meet up with our loved ones
and our lives begin to resemble something
more of what we were used to. However, it is
important that we continue to respect those
around us who may not be ready yet to
embrace all of this and need a little more
time to adjust.
We all need to remain vigilant, pay heed
to the Government Advice and continue with
our social distancing and our hand
sanitising to ensure that our Community
remains Covid-free. By us doing this helps
the wider Community and hopefully will
prevent any local Lockdown.
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I have been amazed at some of the
fabulous gardens I am seeing over the walls
and fences as I’ve been walking my dog Maude
around the village and I’m also very pleased
to report that the allotments are also
flourishing. All plots have now been rented
out but if you think that you may like a
plot in the future then please contact the
Clerk and she will add your name to the list
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The other great thing I have noticed is
how much more our beautiful recreation
ground is being used for get togethers with
family and friends, for the children to run
around and expend some energy whilst the
playground has been closed and for general
exercise. This is thanks to Fred Bellinger
and Gary Jarvis, the Parish Council
Maintenance Man, and to the Minster Lovell
Cricket Team who have been working on the
cricket square. Three areas of the drystone
wall that surround it have also been
repaired. We would like this green space to
remain a safe and clean environment for
these activities to continue, therefore, I
would like to remind people that dogs are
not allowed on the grass and additional
signs have been put up to this effect. The
tennis court is also being put to good use.
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Another piece of incredibly good news is
that our Primary School is getting its new
classroom. Work has already started clearing
the space for the new unit to go in and it
should be completed only three weeks behind
its pre-Covid schedule. More news on this
later in the Newsletter
Even though the pace of life has been
slower over the past three months, the
Parish Council has still continued to meet
virtually each month and has been able to
recruit a new Councillor, Claire Stewart who
lives in Brize Meadow. Welcome Claire! We
would like to take this opportunity to
extend our thanks to the other candidates
who applied who were also strong contenders,
and the Parish Council is hoping to involve
them on some exciting projects in the
Wendy Way
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Once again, I would like to thank all
those responsible dog owners who are
clearing up after their dogs (some of whom
are clearing up other owner’s dog mess!)
making the pavements and field footpaths a
more enjoyable and safer place to walk.
Unfortunately, there is still a minority of
people who do not act responsibly and fail
to clear up after their dogs with the Public
Right of Way through Brize Meadow being
particularly bad at the moment. Dog mess not
only looks awful, it is unpleasant for
everyone to see and is a serious health risk
as it can cause toxocariasis which is a
terrible disease for children and young
adults to catch. Could I please ask that all
dog owners act responsibly and respect our
Community and Village?
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Thank you to those residents who have
cleared their overgrown trees and shrubs
back from the footpath. This is particularly
important in our village as we have such
narrow footpaths in many places. Just a
gentle reminder that pedestrians should have
full access to a footpath to safely walk
along and not be hindered by hedging or
trees growing from residents’ properties too
far over the path. Also weeds that grow
around boundary walls or fences adjoining a
footpath are the homeowners’ responsibility
to remove. There are no authorities who
undertake this work, so it is up to all of
us to keep the footpaths tidy
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Our local farmer will be repairing the
stile on PROW 143/6 between the first and
second fields from Chestnut Close as you
walk to Curbridge. He will also be replacing
the bridge timbers where footpath 143/5
crosses the stream as you walk towards Lew
If you find any problems with the footpaths,
stiles or signs then please let me know via the
Parish Clerk (clerk@brizenortonparishcouncil.co.uk),
preferably with a picture of the issue, and I
will speak to the relevant landowner. |
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I look forward to meeting you should our
‘paths cross’.
Happy walking!
Les Goble (Footpath Warden)
I am writing this at the end of such a
strange summer, at a time when some of our
children have not been to school since
March. We are preparing to reopen fully at
the beginning of September, with various
changes to how we work to keep children in
their class “bubbles” and make sure our
hygiene is as good as it possibly can be. I
am glad that we have two days with the staff
before the children come back: although our
plans have been through many revisions
already, we need to plan carefully how to
make sure children feel happy and safe back
in school and how to make sure children
catch up on any learning they have missed
during the lockdown period.
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However, I cannot thank the staff enough
for all the work they have put in over this
period. With no previous experience, they
had to prepare materials for remote learning
which would keep the children’s learning
going, keep them engaged and be clear to
both the children and their parents. We
never fully closed, with the children of
some key workers coming every day, but from
the beginning of June all the staff were
teaching groups of children full-time in
school as well as continuing the
home-learning for those at home and carrying
out cleaning duties before and after the
school day. It was incredibly hard work, but
I can say that I feel the extra efforts
brought us more closely together as a team.
Parents have been very understanding,
especially when things have not gone to plan
or plans have had to be changed at short
notice, and the children, those in school
and those at home, have been amazingly
mature and resilient.
So now we move into the next phase of
reopening, finally allowing everybody back
to school. I can’t wait to see everyone
again, back in school, learning and playing
together as they should be.
As we come out of this period, the future of
the school is looking great. We finally have
planning permission for our new mobile
classroom, which should be in by the end of
September. This gives us 21 more places,
more than half of which have already filled,
and will by September 2021 bring us a little
more income after several years of
tightening belts. We have a great team of
teachers, teaching assistants and office
staff, looking forward to Mrs Conner coming
back in October and welcoming Mrs Johnson as
a fully-qualified teacher and Mrs Hunter as
an official member of staff. Innovations for
this year include Italian lessons for all
children and everyone in the Year 4/5 class
learning a brass instrument.
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So, come on September 2020, Brize Norton
School is ready for you!
Anna Fairhurst (Headteacher)
The Brize Norton School Association (BNSA)
has two purposes: to raise money for the school and to
have fun!
To kickstart
fundraising for the 2020/2021 school year, and to try
and put the pandemic behind us, during August the BNSA
launched #activeaugust in the form of a #brize5k.
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The idea originally came from one of our
pupils and the initial concept was to ‘run
5, donate 5, nominate 5’. The creativity of
those who got involved has been great to
see. The distance has been walked, ran
(with some pb’s along the way!) skated,
cycled, rowed – you name it I think it has
been done! Some have done it once, others
multiple times. Whichever way or however
many times the 5k has been completed, each
time it has all been towards raising money
with the new classroom in mind.
At the time of writing donations have
been pledged up to £435 – thank you to
everyone who has donated. A special mention
must also be given to Bob Hounslow for his
generous donation and mention in the Oxford
Mail’s Memory Lane (due to be published on
14th September). Donations can still be made
by visiting www.easydonate.org/brize5k or to
donate £5 text BRIZE5k to 70970.
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In September, all our support turns to Ewan
Campbell & Dan Bond. Ewan and Dan, who both
have children at Brize Norton Primary
School, plus some friends will be
undertaking the Three Peaks Challenge on the
11th/12th. For those unfamiliar with the
Three Peaks Challenge - The Three Peaks
Challenge is an event in which participants
attempt to climb the highest mountain in
England, Scotland and Wales all within 24
hours. Walkers climb each peak in turn and
are driven from on mountain to the next. A
big thank you from all of us at BNSA we will
be cheering you on during your challenge. If
you would like to support Ewan and Dan, you
can do so here - https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/brize-3-peaks
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As well as going towards the new school
classroom, every donation will go towards BNSA being
able to give our children the additional extras and
experiences the standard school budget would not stretch
Thank you for all your support and if you'd like to get
involved, either with an idea for fundraising or getting
more hands on with the committee, please don't hesitate
to get in touch!
Carole Stevens
07702422735/ bnsa_fundraising@outlook.com
Facebook: @brizenortonSA
It was with great regret that this year as a
group we were unable to contribute to the much
needed funding of the charitable work that the
NGS Open Gardens Events support.
Hopefully, this coming year will find us back to
normality. However, I am sure that during this
lockdown our members have been busy, tirelessly
working on projects that time would not allow
previously due to the opening schedule.
The NGS had requested that if members could
make a short video of their garden for possible
viewing on their Web Site. For those who were
able to respond, you can view their videos by
clicking on the following YouTube Links:
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For those that are interested in
gardens, these short videos are
well worth watching.
We hope that life will return to normality in
the following years and if opening of the
gardens is possible we look forward to your
In the future if any one is interested in
joining us in this worthwhile cause, then please
contact me on 01993 841347.
Jean Butcher
for and on behalf of the
NGS Open Gardens Group |
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Please join me in
thanking Fred and Kath Bellinger for supplying and
planting the flowers around the War Memorial. I’m sure
you agree it is looking stunning this year.
Wendy Way, Chairman of Brize Norton Parish Council
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As you can imagine these last four months
or so has been unprecedented, leaving the
sports and social side of things completely
devoid of any action. No Village Bash… The
football season finished early and the
cricket at Brize cancelled all together!!
Although there is some good news, the
football season will start again in
September. See the Football Club’s article
in this newsletter if you are keen on
playing or just supporting.
Hopefully we will see a full season of
village football and that cricket returns
next season.
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Thanks to the Humble Bumble Café, the
pavilion and recreation ground have been really
busy during the summer. Family and friends
enjoying picnics, socialising (at the correct
distance of course), coffee and cake plus groups
exercising in all kinds of ways. It is great to
see the facilities used in this way. One thing
to note please. While the Rec is great for the
socialising and exercise, IT IS NOT the place to
exercise dogs. Dogs are NOT allowed on the
grass! |
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BNS&SC are looking for new members to
join the committee. Due to various circumstances the
committee is down to the bare minimum - fresh ideas and
enthusiasm is required to take the club into the future.
The next 2 to 3 years will see a new pavilion, possible
new sports pitch and hopefully junior sports clubs
starting, including tennis and football. Great ideas but
we need people to help and get things moving. Plans for
the pavilion will be underway very soon, so now is the
time to get onboard and help shape the way the new
pavilion is design. If you are interested, please do let
me know or leave a note at the Café. You haven’t got to
be sporty or even that social… but it will help!
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We also have plans to open the pavilion
for more social events (as and when Covid
will allow). So again, we are looking for
volunteers, to join the committee and help
us out. Would you be interested in running
the bar, or be part of a team looking after
the bar and social side?
The other important job we need a volunteer
for is the Treasurers position! Judy Puddle is
now stepping down after many years of brilliant
work for the S&SC. Thank you Judy. May I also
thank all others who have supported the club and
given freely of their time to help make the S&SC
a success. If you would like any more
information regarding the committee and what is
involved, then please do get in contact –
details below and on the back cover of this
newsletter. |
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Keep well and safe.
Tim Gush (Chairman BNS&SC)
The 2019/20 season finished prematurely
due to the cancelling of all Grassroots football. At the
time the leagues finished both teams were doing well.
The Firsts were in 4th place, just 2 points from 2nd
place and the Reserves in 6th place but only 3 points
and 3 games in hand of 3rd place.
With the easing of
restrictions in July training resumed albeit under
certain restrictions and at the start of August
friendlies started. At the AGM Rob Hook stepped down as
First team manager as he wanted to concentrate on just
playing and the Reserve managers Kev Ridgeway and Rysn
Chapman also stepped down due to other commitments. We
would like to Thank them for all their hard work and
efforts. Pleasingly we had willing members ready to step
up and are pleased to announce the new managers are Jake
Farrugia (Firsts) and Adam Harris (Reserves). Good Luck
to both.
After league
restructuring the Firsts will play in Division 1 and
Reserves in Division 3. Training is on Tuesdays at The
Rec at 6pm (unless a friendly is scheduled) and all
players old and new are welcome. The new season is
scheduled to start on Saturday 5th September.
Details of
friendlies and matches plus other news are available on
our website www.pitchero.com/clubs/brizenortonfc or
@brizenortonfc or our
Facebook Page Brize Norton FC.
Simon Cook (Secretary )
T4U (www.teams4u.com) was founded in 2006
by Dave Cooke and aims to fulfil the dreams
of children whose greatest wish is to
receive a Christmas gift. For many this
wish will be granted by the generosity of a
total stranger who will probably be
completely unaware of the impact it will
have and the glimmer of hope it will bring,
to a child who has nothing. Shoebox gifts
are made to vulnerable children or families
in Eastern Europe bringing joy and
excitement into an often bleak existence.
Donations of complete shoeboxes or of items
that could then be made up into boxes are
welcome. Please contact Carolyn 01993 844102
or look for information that will be posted
on notice boards or online regarding
collection points.
Give love in a box this
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The Parish Council has been informed by Gigaclear that
they will be commencing the installation of fibre optic
cabling throughout the centre and southern areas of the
village early in September.
If any residents would like further information, please
contact their Network Build Care team on the details
below: Email: networkbuildcare@gigaclear.com Phone:
01865 591137
Gigaclear is also looking to organise an ‘online
community event’ for Wednesday 2nd September, 19:00 to
20:00. They will send out invitations to all residents
included in the build who can then register to join this
online event. It will consist of a short presentation
about Gigaclear and the work that they do for
Communities and it will give residents an opportunity to
ask any questions about the Brize Norton build.
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We would love to hear from
other students or members of the community.
To submit a written piece involving your
interests or recent experiences for the next
copy of the newsletter.
Contact the
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he Parish Council publish this newsletter, which is
distributed around Brize Norton village at the beginning
of March, June, September and December.
If you wish to submit an entry the deadlines are the
15th November 2020,
15th January, 2021 and
15th March 2021.
Please be reminded that dogs are NOT allowed
on the
recreation ground under any circumstances.
Brize Norton Parish Council |
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Parish Council meetings are held on the 1st Monday of
each month. Meetings are usually held in the Brize
Norton Sports and Social Club, opposite the Elder Bank
Hall. However, during COVID-19 they are being held on an
online platform.
The next meetings are:
Monday 7th September
Monday 5st October 7:30pm
Monday 2nd November 7:30pm
Monday 7th December 7:30pm
If you wish to bring an item to the
Council’s attention at a meeting, please contact the
Clerk at least one week prior to the meeting in order
for the Council to discuss the matter brought before
Members of the public are welcome to
attend Council meetings and should contact the clerk
before the meeting to state your interest and receive an
invitation to join.
It is still the Parish Council’s
intention to hold a Community meeting later this year if
possible so we can share with you what the Council has
achieved the year 2019 – 2020 and update you with what
is happening with the Neighbourhood Plan. Please keep an
eye on the Parish Council website, Facebook page and the
noticeboards for any news on this.
Members of the Brize Norton WI recently
had a socially distanced get together at the Humble
Bumble Cafe. The WI wish to thank Bev and her team for
the red carpet treatment and for her generosity!
On September 8th at 7:30 p.m. the WI will
meet at the Village Hall, (observing the
Government's guidance), to welcome their Guest
Speaker, Pam Newall, who is speaking on the
topic, "A wander through the Baltic States". |
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Both toning, conditioning and circuits
sessions are for any ability with a no
pressure atmosphere, £5 per session.
Contact Tom Wattleworth on 07892945060 or
TW-FITNESS on Facebook
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Due to the continued pandemic we feel we
must remain closed until it is safe to get
back dancing. If you require more
information please ring Joy on 842373.
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We are currently unable to organise the
walks but hope to start again when it is
safe to do so.
For more information ring Joy on 01993
We have decided to remain closed until it
is safe to mix as a group.
Best wishes to all our members.
For more information, ring Joy on 842373.
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Hopefully we will be returning to meetings in
September. All present members will be contacted
with accurate information but we are hoping to
have a zoom meeting on 7th September followed by
an outdoor meeting on the 14th and we may be
allowed indoor meetings after that, if not we
will continue with zoom and outdoor meetings
until the government and guiding give us
permission to meet indoors.
Guiding have given us lots of advise and in
depth risk assessments to ensure that all of our
members will be safe at meetings but we
understand if people want to wait a little
longer before coming back but we look forward to
having new members and invite any one who wishes
to join us to register on the guiding website or
contact me on 01993 842013.
Barbie Thorne
Do you follow us on Social Media? Keep
up-to-date through photos, history, information,
questions and events
Join us:
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Conservative District Councillor
for Brize Norton and Shilton Ward —
Cllr Alex Postan—
P: 07885 135000
E: alexander@postan.plus.com
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Conservative County Councillor
for Burford and Carterton North East
Division — Cllr Nicholas Field
P: (01993) 878309
E: nick.fieldjohnson@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Wednesday 2nd September 7:00pm
Gigaclear online event
Monday 7th September Brownies Starts
Monday 7th September 7:30 pm Parish Council meeting
Tuesday 8th September 7:30pm (WI) A Wander through
the Baltic States
Sunday 4th October 9:15 am Harvest
Monday 5th October 7:00 pm Allotment meeting (TBC)
Monday 5th October 7:30 pm Parish Council meeting
Monday 2nd November 7:30 Parish
Council meeting
Sunday 8th November 10:00 am Remembrance Service &
wreath laying
Monday 7th December 7:30pm Parish
Council meeting