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Brize Norton Primary School - 2009-10belonging, learning and succeeding |
Education City provides activities for children to complete at home. Children can practise key skills in English, Maths and Science. Teachers set a bank of activities that can be completed and also sometimes use Education City to set homework. If you have forgotten your username and password see your class teacher. Logon here. |
Brize Norton Primary School is launching the Oxfordshire Learning Platform this term. It will give children access to class based activities, discussions and much more! Parents will also be able to logon and access information about the school and ideas to support learning at home. We are holding an information evening on Monday 25th January 7 - 8pm in the school hall. Some children will already have their usernames and passwords and will have been using the Learning Platform in school. Logon here. |
This year the Infants performed "The Nativity!" This was a fantastic nativity enjoyed by all the children, staff, family and friends. The children looked fantastic and sang brilliantly. Well done Class 1 & 2. See our pictures here.The Juniors entertained us with "Jack and the Beanstalk", a modern twist to the traditional pantomime. It was an amazing performance full of laughter. Thank you Class 3 & 4. See our pictures here.We are very proud of the effort all of the children put in to making these performances so entertaining to watch. Well done again. |
During science and technology we did some amazing work and had great fun. During the week each class worked on an investigation that involved scientific testing and design and make tasks.Class 1 created their own magnet games, investigated how things dissolve and looked at which materials float and sink. Class 2 thought about the properties of materials and designed and made their own boats which they then had to test. Class 3 thought about forces in action testing parachutes of different sizes and Class 4 designed and made rockets.During the week we were lucky to be visited by the Architecture Workshops. We learnt how triangles can be used to strengthen structures. We made our own bridges and structures using triangles.Computer Explorers also visited us. The younger children used the digital microscopes to explorer mini-beasts while Class 4 made their own virtual circuits.We all had a brilliant week! See Class photos here See Architecture Workshop photos here See Computer Explorer photos here |
Before half term Mr Smith and Miss Perkins went to visit one of two of our partner schools in Gradignan, a suburb of Bordeaux. During the week Mr Smith and Miss Perkins met with the teachers from the Polish, Spanish, French and German schools to plan our project, 'Sharing outdoor experiences on our way to becoming a European citizen'. Read more and see more photos here. |
This term our Awards for All clubs have made a great start. Children across the school have been enjoying taking part in cookery, fencing, archery and team building clubs. See more photos here. |
JULY 2010 |
In July the headteacher from Kibanga Primary School, Uganda, came to visit the school for 18 days. We were all so excited to welcome David to our school community. During his visit David joined the whole school for sports day, took part in a whole school arts project, visited London with Class 4 and taught in each class. We learnt so much from having David with us and were all very sad to see him go. See more photos here. |
On Wednesday 21st July we ended our school year with a celebration of our Year 6 children's time at Brize Norton Primary School. All the children were presented with a portfolio of work gathered during their time at school. We wish all our Year 6 children the best as they start secondary school. See more photos here |
JULY 2010 |
Over several weeks we have been working with the sculptor Sophie Thompson, to create some large horses to go in our school grounds. Sophie Thompson has been commissioned to provide public art at the Kilkenny Lane Country Park, where she will be creating two life size shire horses using reclaimed metal. Our horses are made using a metal frame, newspaper and modroc. We had to think very carefully about the movements the horses make and how we could show this in our sculptors. Visit Sophie Thomson here. See more photos here. |
On Sunday 4th July we held our annual summer fete. This year our theme was 70s and 80s America. Much to the enjoyment of all families taking part, we were able to hold the traditional street parade. The costumes looked fantastic. See more photos here. |
JUNE 2010 |
In June 2010, Miss Perkins and Miss Grant went to visit our partner school in Klodzko, Poland. During the trip Miss Perkins and Miss Grant met with the coordinators from all of the partner schools to review the first year of our project. Sharing outdoor experiences in our way to become a European citizen, and to plan all the exciting activities to take place next year. They also got to observe teaching and learning in the school, talk to children, watch concerts and even appeared on Polish television! See more pictures here. |
12TH JUNE 2010 |
On Saturday 12th June, Brize Norton families spent the day at school taking part in the first Parents Aloud session. During the morning teams competed for 'dollars' carrying out a range of team challenges. These could be spent on a variety of fire making equipment. After lunch fires were made and then the fun began. Families had the opportunity to gut a fish or prepare an egg to be cooked inside a potato. Surprisingly most children wanted to gut the fish! Having cooked their food on their camp fires the children all tried what they had cooked. Much laughter was had during the day and all involved thoroughly enjoyed themselves. See more pictures here. |
17TH - 21ST MAY 2010 |
Our Comenius week was a great success and enjoyed by all. On Monday 17th May partners from Spain, Poland and France arrived in Brize Norton to enjoy a week of activities planned around our partnership theme, ''Sharing outdoor experiences on our way to becoming a European citizen'. On the Tuesday morning we welcomed our visitors with greetings and songs in each of the languages. We then enjoyed a fantastic games festival involving games from each of the partner countries. The children and staff loved this and especially liked the English cream tea! On Wednesday our oldest children and host children enjoyed a day out at the Cotswold Wildlife Park with our visitors followed by tea and a Party in the Park. Our week ended with an activity day on Thursday with all children involved in a range of activities inside and out including Spanish dance, French cooking, orienteering and Polish art. It was very sad to say farewell to our new friends on Friday. We will all remember this trip for a long time especially those children who had visitors stay with them. Here are a few comments about the week:This was the best week ever' (Reception child)Everything we did will be my favourite memories' (Year 4 child)I wish the week was longer' (Year 3 child)A thoroughly engaging week for all of the children' (Parent)An exposure to different cultures and languages like this is invaluable' (Parent)See more photos here. |
To celebrate National Cycle to School Week all of the children brought their bikes or scooters to school to take part in a sponsored ride. This event was organised by the School Council who are raising money for a climbing wall and new playground equipment. The School Council also encouraged the children to think about the health benefits of cycling to school, while the Eco-team taught us about the environmental benefits. |
From this term Brize Norton Primary School, supported by Burford Partnership Extended Services, will be providing activity sessions for families on a Saturday each term. In partnership with H5 Adventure, a Swindon company, our first event is a Bushcraft and Problem Solving day for families. Book a place now. 12th June 10am – 2pm. Limited places due to risk assessments. See more here. Application letter here. |
MARCH 2010 |
Following a staff training day at the National Gallery in January, all classes have been involved with the ‘Take One Picture’ project. This year the focus painting is Tobias and the Angel by the workshop of Andrea del Verrocchio. During the week the children studied the painting across a range of subjects. Amongst other things, Foundation Stage made castles, Year 1 children made cures for blindness and wrote their own instructions, Year 2 created angel wings and wrote some fantastic poems, Year 3 and 4 created their own egg tempera paintings and Year 5 and 6 created abstract art based on their interpretation of the painting. Pictures of some of their work can be found here. It was a great week with all children questioning the painting and challenging themselves to further what they could see and find out. More information about the painting can be found here. |
9TH MARCH 2010 |
On Tuesday 9th March, the children were treated to a performance of The Wizard of Oz. This was an adaptation of the traditional story. The children really enjoyed watching! See more photos here. |
8TH - 19TH MARCH |
This term we are supporting the Switch Off Fortnight campaigh to
encourage us to be eco friendly and save energy. On the 8th March all of
the children in school will be given a sticker to help remind them to
turn lights off, turn computers off and
keep doors closed to stop the heat escaping from school. At the end of
the fortnight children who have done a good job will be awarded a
special pencil. We are also hoping children will support this campaign
at home and will keep up the hard work
10TH FEBRUARY 2010 |
Our Farmhouse Breakfast was a great success with over 120 children and adults joining us for our community breakfast. Tammy cooked a healthy version of a Full English, while others enjoyed the cereals, croissants and toast over good conversation and a cup of tea. As a result of the generous donations given we have raised nearly £100 for the Feed the Children charity. This event also helped us raise the importance of starting the day on a full stomach, promoted the value of sitting down as a family for breakfast and brought our community together, being joined by the Parish Council, WI and Over 60s. We would like to thank the following companies for their donations, Foxbury Farm, Patrick Strange Butcher, Food with Thought, 3663, Proctas, Brakes, Fabulous Bakin Boys, Sainsbury’s and Carterton Market. See more photos here. |
We now have an exciting new computer programme that will allow all of
our children to take books home on loan from our school library. By
visiting our online library at school or at home (or anywhere with
internet access), the children can browse
Mrs Byng and I had the most fantastic time in Spain last week! Visiting the Princess Sofia School was so interesting. There are around 600 pupils, and 39 teachers. The children are 3 when they start school; all children do a full day from 9 until 2, stopping for half an hour at 11.30 for a snack and a play outside. The children carry all of their books in rucksacks, like our children do when they go to secondary school, but the rucksacks have wheels and they trolley them home! Apart from the very young children, all are taught quite formally, even 6 year olds were sat in rows working from text books for most of the day. Read the full report here. See more photos here. |
JULY 2009 |
In July of 2009 we were awarded the International School Award in recognition of our work in promoting the global dimension across the school. This is a fantastic achievement which we hope to build upon over the coming year by strengthening our Uganda partnership and through the Comenius Project with schools in France, Germany, Spain and Poland |
This year we have achieved awards for our work in many areas. These have included Quality Basic Skills Mark (Literacy and maths), Eco-schools Green Flag, Artsmark Silver, Activemark and the Financial Management Standard in Schools (FMSiS). In addition Tammy has been awarded 4 stars in the food hygiene ratings 'Scores on the Doors'. These awards celebrate our commitment to providing the best outcomes for children. Read more here. |
15TH - 19TH JUNE 2009 |
From the 15th to 19th June we held our International Week. During the week we got an insight in to what it would be like to live in another country. We also looked at how our community is similar and different to others in the UK. This developed our understanding of Britain as a multi-cultural society.During the week were visited by an artist from Ghana, an African drumming group and Tammy even cooked us an African meal. Read and see more photos here.